Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1362: Mysterious Table (132)

Song Shijun whispered, "Fuck! Isn't this guy going to Emperor Capital? Why is he back!"

Yin Shaoji asked him, "Aren't you right with him?"

"Not only is it wrong!" Song Shijun said indignantly, "Before I didn't know you, he was the 'child of someone else's house'. Every time the elders compared me with him, it was really annoying!"

Although he had known Ning Ruyan since he was a child, he had little contact, and his relationship was weak. At most, he nodded. In addition, he was used as a comparison when he was a child. Song Shijun is more naughty, so it can be imagined that the result of each comparison is that Song Shijun lost to Ning Ruyan, and the elders asked him to learn more from Ning Ruyan.

Song Shijun stared at the photo and frowned, "This Jun Zeye actually knew Ning Ruyan. What is his origin?"

Yin Shaojiu had dark eyes, and his slender fingers tapped on the table, sinking into deep thought.

Regardless of whether Junzano is an enemy or a friend, it seems that it is still necessary to find out his identity.


The lunch break is over.

The students came to the school one after another and entered the classroom.

On a tree, Jun Zeye, who closed his eyes and took a nap, opened his eyes, glanced around, and made a few jumps, then came down sharply from the tree.

I was about to walk to the classroom, and my cell phone just sounded.


It was Ning Ruyan again, but this time he brought bad news.

"KO didn't die. He showed up, but what puzzles me is that instead of fleeing abroad for the first time, he spent a lot of money to buy someone and went to your school to find a girl. According to I got the news that he seemed to want to kidnap that girl. "

Jun Zeye frowned and asked, "What's the girl's name?"

"Mu Xiaoxiao."

Jun Zeye's eyes narrowed.

Ning Ruyan asked doubtfully, "Is this Mu Xiaoxiao the girl who was hijacked in the Tiandicheng Building yesterday? Who is she? Why is KO so interested in her?"

Jun Zeye did not answer this question, but just said, "If there is any further news, please tell me the first time."

"Brother, do you know who she is?" Ning Ruyan was curious.

"I don't know. It doesn't matter who she is."

"Not important? How do I feel like you're nervous about her?"

It happened that the preparation bell for class rang.

Jun Zeye said, "I'm going to class, I have nothing to say."


Ning Ru hadn't finished speaking yet and was hung up again.

When Jun Zeye arrived in the classroom, he just rang the bell for class.

However, Mu Xiao's seat was empty.

He frowned at the empty spot around him.

Feng Tianqi at the front table was puzzled. "It's all already class. Why hasn't Xiaomin come yet? This girl won't skip class again?"

"There is no skipping class, Mu Xiaoxiao is down there, Shao is sending her over." The boy on the side said, pointing out the window.

After hearing the words, everyone went out and saw Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojiu.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked as if he had just woke up, confused, his eyelids shook, as if he couldn't open.

Yin Shaojie smirked, pinched her face with both hands, then lowered Jun face and told her something.

Mu Xiaoxiao glared at him and patted his hand away.

Yin Shaojiu rubbed her fingertips where she had just been pinched. She smiled charmingly and told her something.

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