Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1365: Mysterious Table (135)

Feng Tianqi smiled badly and pointed at Jun Zeye, "I think everyone wants to hear the songs of our new classmates, right?"

He also deliberately led the coax.

Mu Xiaoxiao noticed that Jun Zeye's brow frowned slightly, she quickly helped to make a siege, raised her hand and said, "Teacher! Come on!"

The music teacher didn't want to be embarrassing. When she saw her coming out, she said immediately, "Okay, let's go to the little classmates. The little classmates also have a good pitch and are very suitable for this song."

Feng Tianqi's framing plan failed, and he made a noise.

After the music class, the next class is a physical education class.

Feng Tianqi changed into a sportswear, looked handsome and handsome, patted a basketball in his hand, and walked in front of Jun Zeye.

He said arrogantly, "Let's compare it!"

Jun Zeye said indifferently, "Not interested."

"Are you afraid of losing to me?" Feng Tianqi provoked deliberately.

However, the provocation failed, and Jun Zeye ignored him.

On the other side, Mu Xiaoxiao is surrounded by other girls and is preparing to play other games.

Feng Tianqi noticed that Jun Zeye's gaze fell on Xiao Xiao, and he snored, standing over to block his sight.

"Do you like Xiaoxiao? I tell you, you have a dream! Xiaoxiao is not good to you, but I only take care of you only because you are poor."

Jun Zeye turned his eyes away and continued to treat him as air.

Feng Tianqi was so angry that after taking a few steps back, he picked up the basketball and hit him.

Orange basketball comes straight!

Jun Zeye raised his hand and hit the basketball, as if it were just a fly.

Feng Tianqi fixed her eyes and raised an eyebrow.

"I'll say it again, compare it to me. If I lose, the previous account will be calculated like that, and I will not target you again."

"No interest." Jun Zeye was still these three words, his eyes turned back to Mu Xiaoxiao's position.

However, Mu Xiao disappeared.

Jun Zeye frowned, quickly got up, and walked over there.

There seemed to be two missing girls in that group.

He walked over and asked, "What about little?"

Feng Tianqi felt that he followed him strangely, and it was uncomfortable to hear him so close.

"Hey, why are you called Xiaoxiao, do you know you so well?"

Jun Zeye ignored him and just looked at the girls.

The girl was frightened by his serious expression, and she was puzzled, and said nervously, "I don't know ... it seems that Xiao Xiao has gone into the lounge, right?"

"Looks like it? I didn't notice it." The other girls answered, because Jun Zeye's approach made them very excited. No matter where he thought Mu Xiao went, he stared at his Jun Pang without a doubt Seems like it's losing a second.

Jun Zeye knew that they couldn't ask anything from their mouths, stopped talking and just left.

"Hey! Is Xiaoxiao gone?" Feng Tianqi followed him and asked in puzzlement.

"She's so big and she won't lose it. Besides, this is a school. Where can I lose it? Why are you so nervous?"

Jun Zeye still took him as air and walked to the gym lounge.

"Well! There's a girl over there! Shouldn't you go in?"

The pace of Jun Zeye paused.

Feng Tianqi saw that he had finally responded to his words, ticked his lower lip, and said deliberately, "Why? Why didn't you go in? Maybe a little one is in it, please come in and see!"

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