Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1368: Mysterious Table (138)

"Well, I see." Mu Xiaoxiao replied nicely.

It's just that she was absent-minded, and Yin Shaojie still had a good view.

But he said nothing, started the engine, and the sports car left Suntech College.

Back to Yin's.

"Master, miss, you are back," the servant called with a smile.

Usually Mu Xiaoxiao will give a smiley face, but today I just walked in a dull way.

Yin Shaojiu followed her, watching her slowly walk to the backyard door.

"What's wrong?" He found her eyes filled with water vapor, as if there were tears in them.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked back at him, suddenly rushed up and hugged him.

"What's wrong?" He asked again.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head in his arms, tears turning in his eyes, as if it would fall in the next second.

"I just ... remembered something ..."

Her voice was very light, with a slight choke.

On the way back, she kept thinking about the case where Jun Zeye kept silently beside her, and it seemed inexplicably similar, as if someone had guarded her in this way.

It was a long, far away memory.

As far as she thought she had forgotten, but did not, she did not forget, the memories of her past have been sealed in a corner of her memory, but she did not dare to touch them easily.

Because, when you encounter it, it hurts, it hurts.

Mu Xiao's small hand clasped Yin Shaoyu and buried his head in his shoulder.

She wanted to say, Yin Shaoxing, I think Azer ...

But she didn't say it, because she didn't want Yin Shaojiu to fall into this sad memory with her too.

She eased her head and raised her head, smiling as if embarrassed and saying, "I'm fine."

Rarely, Yin Shaojie didn't even ask, but just struck her bangs with her long fingers, and curled her fingers against her tender cheeks.

"Are you hungry?" He laughed and teased.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and nodded conformingly, "Yeah! I'm so hungry, can you go and see if the kitchen is ready for dinner? By the way, it seems that Mother Yin hasn't come back yet?"

"It should be fast, we can eat first." Yin Shaoji said.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head. "How is this going? Wait for Mother Yin to eat."

At this time, Yin Shaojie's cell phone rang, interrupting their conversation.

Mu Xiaoxiao said thoughtfully, "You answer the phone, I'll go out for a walk."

Yin Shaoxian glanced at the caller ID, which was obviously the more important thing, so he clicked.

Mu Xiaoxiao pursed his lips and looked at the backyard, as if pulled by something, and opened the door and went out.

I don't know how long.

Under the tree at the far corner of the backyard.

The setting sun slowly went down, and the sky was stained with orange light and fell on the little tomb under the tree.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were filled with tears.

She walked to the small tomb, crouched down, and touched the words on her hand.

A drop of tears fell and smashed onto the grass, his voice choked, "Aze ..."

She wiped her tears with her fingers and sat down beside her.

The evening wind passed, and the grass swayed, blowing her tail.

Mu Xiaoxiao said very lightly, "Aze, do you know? I recently met a boy named Jun Zeye. It has the same word as your name, and he ... save me Many times, I guarded me silently today. "

"He reminds me of you ..."

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