Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1373: Mysterious Same Table (143)

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled around, and he said deliberately, "I don't believe it, Mother Yin must haven't left yet!"

"She won't be so ignorant." Yin Shaoji said.

"Then we bet," Mu Xiaoxiao said with a chin.

Yin Shaojie looked at her, black eyes thought about it, and the corner of his evil mouth slightly hooked, and nodded, "Okay, since it's a bet, there should always be a bet?"

"What bet do you want?" Mu Xiaoxiao always felt that his eyes were special ... evil! It must be thinking about the yellow stuff.

Yin Shao licked his lips, his eyes narrowed, and stared at her, "I haven't taken a shower yet ..."

"No!" Before he finished speaking, Mu Xiaoxiao refused.

"I haven't finished talking yet." Yin Shaojie felt funny.

Mu Xiaoxiao hummed to him, "Don't think I don't know, you want to say, want me to take a bath with you? I don't want to."

Yin Shaojie smiled, her eyes bent, her long fingers pointed at her nose, and she laughed very jokingly, "I didn't say that, do you think about it? Mu Xiaoxiao, you look so pretty!"

"What! What is yours!" Mu Xiaoxiao hurriedly threw the pot back to him.

"I didn't say you want to bathe with me. It's your own thinking. If it weren't for your mind to be full of these colorful things, how could you think of it because of a word of me?" Yin Shaoji said eloquently, making people Can't refute.

"I ..." Mu Xiaosaid.

Whoosh, she can't talk to him!

"I don't want to talk to you anymore!" A girl wanted to cheat.

"Want to escape again?" Yin Shaojie's big hand clasped her slender waist, so that she could only stay obediently under him.

"Our bet hasn't been said yet."

Mu Xiaoxiao murmured, "So what do you want?"

"You say your bet is done first." Yin Shaoxiao smiled, and a smudge of belly black passed from his eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and said, "If Mother Yin is eavesdropping outside, then ... you can't mess around, that's it."

"That's it?" Yin Shaojie obviously disagreed.

"Okay, then if my mother isn't outside, you will let me do whatever you want."

"No!" Mu Xiaoxiao refused without thinking, how could he let him do whatever he wanted? If he wanted to ...

Mu Xiaoxiao flushed and thought of something restricted.

"Did you just say that you haven't taken a bath yet? How could you suddenly change your mouth, no matter what, you will continue to say just that."

"Well then, I haven't taken a bath yet. If I win, you will help me wipe my back. How about that?" Yin Shaojie smiled a little.

"Look! I'm not mistaken, you are the color!" Mu Xiaoxiao immediately retorted.

Yin Shaoji raised her eyebrows. "When were you right? What you said just now is that I want to bathe with you. What I'm talking about now is that you help me wipe my back, isn't it the same? Mu Xiaoxiao, you have some problems in understanding . "

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't refute it again.

Yin Shaojie pulled her up, took her little hand, and walked towards the door together. He deliberately accentuated the tone and said, "Now, let's see if my mother is eavesdropping outside."

He opened the door, and there was no one outside.

"You, you lie! Didn't you hear Mother Yin so loud just now? She must have gone even if she was there." Mu Xiaoxiao broke away and ran away to the bed.

Yin Shaojiu took her hand and pressed her to the bed.

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