Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1460: You are Azer (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao said angrily, "At this time, you still want to lie to me! This birthmark is from Aze, I remember it! I remember it very well! Don't tell me that there will be exactly the same birthmark in this world, but also grow in the same One place! "

Jun Zeye looked into her eyes and said deeply, "For me, the former Azawa is dead."

Mu Xiaoxiao faintly heard the emotion in his tone.

The two looked at each other, and the air was silent.

Jun Zeye suddenly pulled the corner of his mouth, as if she had taken her to the point, "I was still recognized by you. Actually, I was worried about this from the beginning."

After she asked him if he was Azer, he denied that he should leave City A.

Mu Xiaoxiao's expression of aggrieved, "Don't you want to recognize me so much? I thought ... we used to be very good. It turned out that I was the only one who cared about my childhood friendship?"

When I was young, I learned that he had died in a car accident. She cried for a long time, and cried for a month.

He didn't even know that.

She suddenly felt more wronged.

"You don't know how sad I was then, how much tears I shed for you ..."

Full of complaints in his tone.

Jun Zeye looked at her, without the alienation she had deliberately pretended, and a little more emotion in her eyes.

It was just that, when he was young, he always smiled so softly at her.

"I'm sorry," he said sorry.

Mu Xiaoxiaonu nosed his nose and snorted at him, "Then tell me, what happened that year? Why did you ... fake death?"

She really couldn't understand why he pretended to be dead, does it make any sense?

Or was it just a misunderstanding?

Jun Zeye groaned and said, "In the past, a little boy did have a car accident, but the rescue was invalid, and he died, but that person was not me, but the person who wanted to take me was counted, and said to me."

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "Who took you away? Who is it?"

Jun Zeye looked into her eyes, not intending to hide anything, and frankly said, "My parents."

Mu Xiaoxiao gave a wrong look, "Your parents? Aren't you ... don't you have no parents? What's going on?"

"It's complicated, I can't tell you more." Jun Zeye paused, his eyes were deep, and he said to her, "It's not that I don't want to tell you, but ... the less you know, the less I know The better. "

The more he said that, the more curious Mu Muxiao became.

However, since he had said so, of course she could not pursue further.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "I know, then I won't ask."

Jun Zeye watched her disappointed face and said, "Let's have a chance later. I'll tell you again, it's not working yet."

"Huh!" Mu Xiaoxiao smiled at him, and smiled stupidly, "Anyway, you are still alive!"

Jun Zeye faced her eyes with a curly smile, couldn't help reaching out, and rubbed her little head.

Someone was really happy that he was alive.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his hand and said with emotion, "Aze, I didn't expect that we could meet again, I'm really happy."

It's good that Azer is still alive.

That's great!

This matter made her happy more than any good news.

Talking, his eyes were wet again.

The childhood friend who thought he had died suddenly came alive and stood in front of him alive.

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