Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1467: What is he doing? (2)

A few dark shadows were about to catch up. Suddenly, there was a loud noise ‘嘭 ——’, and there was a big explosion not far away.

Jun Zeye visually observed that it was the small bungalow that had closed them before.

After a while, KO was forced back.

Several off-road vehicles chased behind, and a familiar figure stood at the forefront.

KO gritted his teeth and pointed at the man angrily, "Wind Saint Young! You dared to blow up my house!"

That's right, the person who came is Feng Shengyang.

Feng Shengyang sneered, "Dare you use me, you should think about this end!"

Can he be used casually?

For a while, KO suffered an enemy on his stomach, and there was no way out.

I thought things had settled.

But don't want to, from the other side, there are several more cars.

And still a police car!

"KO! You are surrounded, surrender!"

Yin Shao narrowed his eyes and looked at the leader Ning Ruyan.

He looked at Jun Zeye.

So Jun Zeye refused to leave, just waiting for Ning Ruyan to come?

It seems impossible to handle KO yourself.

The scene was a little embarrassing with the presence of the police. After all, Yin Shaojiao and Feng Shengyang both carried weapons, Feng Shengyang also just blasted KO's house.

However, neither Yin Shaojiu nor Feng Shengyang's complexion was panic-stricken.

KO has been mixing for so many years and has never encountered such a thing.

However, instead of anger and laughter, "This battle is big enough! I like it!"

Can be surrounded by three teams of men and horses like this, who in the entire road has this treatment?

KO was eventually handed over to the police.

Ning Ruyan made people copy KO and those under his command, took the car, and walked in front of Jun Zeye, frowning and asked, "how? Are you injured?"

"Hmm." Jun Zeye responded softly, seeing KO being taken to the car, then he looked back.

Finally caught KO, but also let him have this mind.

Ning Ruyan patted his shoulder and said, "Be assured that the crime committed by KO is enough for him to sit underneath! Those brothers can also stare."

Half a year ago, brothers of their special forces were arranged for border support, met KO, several brothers died, and no whole body was dead.

Since then, Jun Zeye has been following KO and has been trying to catch him.

He didn't tell anyone, and didn't let other brothers who came out of the army know, just doing this in silence.

"Let's go." Ning Ruyan signaled Jun Zeye to get on the car.

Jun Zeye glanced back at Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaojie, bowed slightly, said goodbye, then left with Ning Ruyan.

"Xiaoxiao, are you okay?" Feng Shengyang rolled over and got out of the car and hurriedly came to her.

"I didn't ..." Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to answer, remembering that he was an accomplice who had been taken away by KO, his face suddenly stiffened and glared at him, "Feng Shengyang, don't you pretend to be okay?"

Feng Shengyang had a deep complexion. "I know, you should be angry. But I must explain that at first I didn't know he wanted to catch you. If I knew, I wouldn't help him! I ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao interrupted him, "Well, don't tell me, I don't want to listen. Anyway, you are with him, I already know this."

Feng Shengyang was strangled, and she wanted to say something, but found her face was not good.

Mu Xiaoxiao's mood was very complicated. He didn't want to see him, and turned to Yin Shao's arms.

"Well, let's go home."

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