Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1499: He is very bad (2)

"Well, wait, let me come!" Mu Xiaoxiao eagerly tried, walked to Yin Shaojiu's side, stared at Liang Zihao's face with a smirk, and made a few fists in front of his eyes with a fist, "You want Want to be a one-eyed panda or a two-eyed panda? "

"Don't worry! Alarm, hurry up!" Liang Zihao couldn't move and shouted quickly.

An An was anxious, and couldn't care less. She could only catch it and grabbed Yin Shao's hand that was dragging his neckline, begging, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Can you let him go? Is it our fault? , I'll convince him, let him keep his promise, please, just let him go? "

She had been taught before, so she knew exactly who Yin Shaozhen was.

If she didn't ask for mercy, Liang Zihao would only be worse.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at An Xinxin, but she did not expect that she would come forward at this time. It seems that she really likes this man.

She patted Shao Yin's hand and said, "Forget it, let go of him."

Liang Zihao was stunned in the place as if he had been acupointed. Yin Shao's hand loosened. He took a step and almost fell down to sit down. Fortunately, An Anxin supported him in time.

"Zihao, are you okay?" An An asked worriedly.

Liang Zihao stared at Yin Shaoxuan with a stunned expression and stuttered and asked her, "You, what did you just call him? Shaoxing? He is from the four big families ..."

An Xu nodded, "He's Yin Shaojie! Sorry Zihao, I should tell you beforehand ..."

Liang Zihao also complained a little, "Why don't you say it earlier!"

He panicked for a while, and Liushen had to stand still, but the more so, the more unstable he became, and even his feet were a little soft.

"桀桀 桀 ... 桀 少! I'm sorry! I'm sorry I don't know Taishan, I don't know if you are 桀 少, I hope you forgive me! I treat you, I treat you right away! What do you want me to do, I will doing what!"

Liang Zihao nodded and bowed respectfully to Yin Shaoyu, and then hurriedly took out his wallet, pulled out a card, and handed it to the store manager, "I treat you! Everyone here, I'm responsible! Swipe the card!"

The manager for a while paused, apparently did not expect things to turn so fast, took the card in a hurry.

The onlookers were also aggressive.

However, due to Liang Zihao's title, some people also recognized Yin Shaoxing.

"Small young? Is that the youngest of the Shangde College? I heard that Master Yin, one of the four major families, is the richest in city A!"

"Well, isn't this man slap in the face? It's so ridiculous just now, it's so ridiculous!"

"No, that's why I said, the real rich people won't say it everywhere. Only those who ... have thought that a few bad money would be great would consider themselves uncle."

At this moment, someone raised his hand with a bad heart and called the waiter, "I want something!"

The waiter stunned and walked over.

The guest deliberately ordered the most expensive thing.

Someone followed suit.

Liang Zihao looked a little angry at this situation, but he didn't dare to lose his temper. He could only look at Yin Shaoyi with a grin, and also pretended to be generous, "If you want something, just order it, don't be polite to me!"

Yin Shaojiu grinned and pulled Mu Xiaoxiao back into position.

Liang Zihao stepped forward on the ground, standing next to Yin Shaojiu, with a flattering smile, and said, "Although Shaojiao, although a bit misunderstood, I am honored to know you. My name is Liang Zihao, is ..."

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