Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1502: Never done (1)

"What does it mean to be in a bad situation?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked.

Feng Tianqi listened to her and thought that she was still concerned about Feng Shengyang. She couldn't help but hurriedly said, "He has been drinking since he came back last night, and he drank all night. How can I persuade him to listen? It looks very bad, you ... did you say something to him last night? I know he almost hurt you, but he didn't ... "

"Well, you don't need to say anything." Mu Xiaoxiao frowned, not wanting to listen to him, "He is such a big person, he wants to drink is his business, I can't control it, and I'm tired today, I don't want Go out. "

Feng Tianqi was a little bit confused, "I know, you are very angry with my brother, I was very angry when I learned that, and I punched him. I had a good relationship with my brother since childhood. This is my first time. He, because he did something wrong, but you can't give him a chance, forgive him? He really didn't mean it! "

Mu Xiaoxiao caressed his head and sighed, "I don't want to say this is all right? I'm tired, I want to rest."

Feng Tianqi was helpless and did not force her, "Well ... then think about it first."

"Well, good night." Mu Xiaoxiao said, then hung up the phone and sat by the bed, as if in a daze, wondering what was thinking.

Forgive Wind Saint Young?

She was shocked and angry when she knew that what happened to her was related to Feng Shengyang.

Another thing that she didn't expect was how did Feng Shengyang get to know KO like KO, KO is said to be a powerful drug dealer.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and didn't want to think so much.

Since experiencing Yu Zhe's betrayal, she has a deep resistance to the word 'betrayal'.

She didn't want to think about Feng Shengyang's distress, or he didn't mean it. He didn't know that KO wanted to deal with her.

However, from the moment Feng Shengyang chose to help KO, no matter what KO wants to do, at least it shows that the target of KO is at Suntech College. Feng Shengyang actually helped such a terrorist to deal with it. Innocent student?

She just thought Feng Shengyang was too scary.

Although she likes making friends, she has a bottom line when it comes to picking friends.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed at himself.

In fact, if someone like Feng Shengyang is romantic, he hasn't regarded her as a friend, and this matter is open to question.

Perhaps, from the beginning to the end, he just treated her as the subject of a joke.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to say that many people she had met, but people like Feng Shengyang had contacted a few of her in the United States. They were all pretentious, many of them were acting, and never really delivered No one can see through his heart.

Of course, Mu Xiaoxiao did not want to see through the heart of Feng Shengyang.

"What are you thinking?" A big hand suddenly covered her head, rubbing her ears with slightly rough fingers.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, facing Yin Shao's eyes, those deep eyes like the stars could clearly see his reflection.

She couldn't help but laugh and shook her head. "Nothing."

Yin Shaoji asked, "Who called you just now?"

"It's Feng Tianqi's guy, and he ... apologizes for his brother and me." Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to hide from him, and frankly.

Yin Shaojie nodded slightly, and soon guessed, "He is trying to say, Feng Shengyang didn't mean to hurt you, right? You won't be soft?"

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