Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1510: Only if he admits it (1)

He probably heard the ringtone, and Yin Shaoyan looked at her with her mobile phone pocket.

This made Mu Xiaoxiao nervous. He didn't take the cell phone, neither did he. He didn't know what to do.

Yin Shaojie seemed to feel her strangeness, and her eyes turned to her face.

"what happened to you?"

Mu Xiaoxiao replied, "What's wrong? No! No, I'm just thinking ... what games are we going to play."

Quickly turned his attention away.

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "So you promised, what game do you want to play? Don't say I bully you, the game will let you decide, so please?"

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but groaned. "Speaking of general mobile phone checks, shouldn't they be sneaky?" Someone is as bright as you. "

Because he raised it so brightly, she couldn't help but refuse.

If she refuses, does it mean that she is guilty?

This guy just knew her personality, so that's why.

Bad guy!

"Oh ~ it turns out you like sneaking, okay, then we don't play games anymore, I'll look for a chance to" steal "next time." Yin Shaoji said intentionally.

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying, "No! I didn't say that I would allow you to check my phone sneakily, you dare to try it!"

Yin Shaoji said, "Let's play the game, let's say, what game are you going to play? If you don't start, your sugar will be cold."

Speaking of syrup, Mu small maggots sprang up again.

"Let me think about it ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao is in distress, playing skillful or intelligent games, she must not win him.

So what games are you going to play?

Looks like ... I can only play with luck.

When the time comes to win or lose, you can only listen to fate!

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes flashed slyly, and he laughed, and said to him, "I know what to play! You take out your phone, we play ... dice!"

"Dice?" Yin Shaojie obviously did not expect that she was referring to this game.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled hesitantly, took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and took a glance at the message sent by Qi Qing.

——Beauty boss said that the clothes are ready, and you can get them tomorrow. Would you like me to go with you?

Mu Xiaoxiao exhaled nervously and deleted the message without any trace.

Then she clicked into the WeChat page.

"You see, there is a dice here. Just click it and it will be a little bit. We are smaller than ... Yes, we are not bigger, we are smaller than anyone. This is random. It depends on luck. And it's not technical. "

Her name is Mu Xiaoxiao, two small characters, and should be related to Xiao?

Must let her win!

Mu Xiaoxiao thought for a while and deleted the WeChat message with Lu Yichen. Although there was nothing to see, Yin Shao's terrible jealousy. If she was out of luck, he saw her chat with Lu Yichen Maybe jealous again.

Her cerebellum began to run wild, thinking about what else needed to be deleted.

Doesn't look like it?

There is nothing unsightly on her phone.

Like her Weibo trumpet, he already knew that, except for the surprise to prepare for her birthday, she had no secrets about him.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were empty again because she was thinking about things.

Suddenly a hand reached over and bounced her forehead, causing her to shrink her neck in pain.

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