Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1523: There are more assholes, do you want to try? (2)

Yin Shaojiu narrowed his eyes with pleasure.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned to the beginning, so he didn't see his handsome face at this moment.

She pursed her lips without calling her husband.

"Be good, call her husband." Yin Shaoxing said again, but with a bit of overbearing tone.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused, and said softly, "No."

"Not good." Yin Shao narrowed her eyes, and pinched her chin with her other hand, forcing her to straighten her head and facing his eyes.

Those black eyes, which were usually dark and deep, seemed to be burning with flames at this moment.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked in and almost thought he was going to burn with him.

However, his appearance at this moment is full of the fatal attraction of evil charm, which can make all girls crazy and addicted to it.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought he would kiss him next second, but no one knew it.

Yin Shaojie just smiled at the corner of his mouth, and looked at her so deeply, but just looked at her.

Mu Xiaoxiao swallowed nervously, wondering what this guy wanted to do.

Apparently those eyes had already been swallowed.

"My hand hurts ... Yin Shaoxing, will you let me go?" She said pitifully while she was in the gap, her face wrinkled and her eyebrows rising like a bullied kitten.

Yin Shaojie refused, "Not good."

As soon as the words fell, his hands re-entered underneath and began to be wanton.

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled suddenly, his subconscious action was to grip his hand.

Yin Shao narrowed her eyes, her hands were sandwiched between her thighs, and the skin on the inside was the most tender, incredibly tender. Although she clamped a little hard, her touch was still excellent.

Coupled with her relationship just after taking a shower, her skin is not only fragrant, but also a bit cool, and it feels more comfortable to the touch.

He raised the corner of his mouth, staring at her as dark as the stars, "Clamp a little more."

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Does she want to listen to him or not?

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed by the fact that he did not deal with the cards.

However, Yin Shaojie is not a person who can be controlled. His hands are restless, as if to break free.

Mu Xiaoxiao was startled, only to follow his will, and wanted to step up even harder.

Little face crimson.

Asshole, how did she feel that she was being eaten tofu instead?

It's all blame for her hands being held up by him, there is no way to support it, only this way.

Yin Shaojie couldn't help thinking of the previous time, she helped him with her leg ...

The breath suddenly became heavy.

He couldn't help it anymore, he drew down and kissed her little mouth.

With her lips pressed close together, Yin Shaoyan kissed fiercely, not at all as gentle as usual, like the posture to swallow her belly.

Mu Xiaoxiao was wrapped in the tip of his tongue, and he was helpless.

Yin Shaoji kissed hotly, licked every inch of her little mouth, Mu Xiaoxiao could not keep up with his rhythm, became passive, and her breathing was disturbed.

His body softened, and he took the opportunity to squeeze his knee between her legs.

Mu Xiaoxiao's clamping force became loose, and with a gap, his hand came up.

Realizing his movements, her small face was hot and her eyes were moist, as if she were holding a layer of water vapor, and her blocked mouth could not help emitting a slight cooing.

Yin Shaoyi's actions forced her to rest on the closet, her tall body was restless, and it seemed as if she didn't feel enough to kiss.

Not enough not enough ...

He wanted more, deeper contacts.

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