Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1530: One lie after another (1)

Afraid of being caught by him, Mu Xiaoxiao ran into the dressing room and quickly locked the door.

Fortunately, I didn't hear him chasing.

The phone was still ringing, and she didn't look at the electric display, so she answered the phone.


"It's me." A low, stern male voice.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, "Aze?"

It was him!

She thought it was Qiqing, otherwise Feng Shengyang called from another phone, but never thought it would be Jun Zeye.

"How did you ..." She was puzzled, thinking instead. He called himself so late, was there something wrong with him, and hurriedly asked, "Are you okay at the hospital?"

"I'm discharged." Jun Zeye said softly.

"Ah? Haven't you just been hospitalized? Why did you leave the hospital so soon?" Mu Xiaoxiao asked in surprise. She forgot to control her voice for a while, and quickly lowered her voice and went inside.

"I'm fine, I'll **** KO personally for insurance purposes," Junzano explained.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered. He was not a policeman. Why was he responsible for escorting KO? She had a lot of curiosity about his life, but didn't ask much unless he wanted to say it himself.

She said, "Well, you have to pay attention to it, and take a break and go back to school."

Jun Zeye went straight into the topic, "In recent times, you have to pay more attention to yourself, try not to go out, it is best not to be alone, although KO has been arrested, it is inevitable that he still has remnants."

"I know." Mu Xiaoxiao had just finished, and suddenly remembered that she would go to the beauty boss to get clothes tomorrow, and she couldn't let Yin Shaoji know, what should I do?

"But I have a very important thing to do when I go out ..."

"You called Yin Shaojie to accompany you." Jun Zeye suggested.

Mu Xiaoxiao said indifferently, "That ... I just can't let him know ..."

She also worried that Jun Zeye would ask why, but he didn't ask, just groaned, and then said, "So, I will send someone to protect you. Where are you going, tell me in advance."

"So ..." Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated, but think about it, even if you let Jun Zeye know, shouldn't it matter? He will definitely keep her secret.

"Rest assured, I will let him protect you secretly, will not show up, but you should pay more attention when you are out, it is best to go with a friend." Jun Zeye's voice was calm, making people feel at ease.

Mu Xiaoping agreed, "All right."

Jun Zeye asked, "What time tomorrow? Where are you going?"

"This ... I haven't agreed with my friends, can I tell you tomorrow? Azer, do you have a WeChat? Let's add WeChat to chat." Mu Xiaoxiao felt that talking on the phone was a bit trembling, and he was afraid that Yin Shaoxing would be here. Overheard at the door. .

Jun Zeye replied, "I don't have WeChat."

Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised, "Ah? You don't have WeChat? What should I do ..."

"Tomorrow you determine the time and place, send me a message, this is my usual number, you keep it." Jun Zeye faintly echoed, as if in a closed space.

Mu Xiaoxiao responded, "Well, that's it."

"Hang up, you go to bed earlier."

"Okay, good night." Mu Xiaoxiao responded. After hanging up the phone, he cut into the call log, looked at his mobile phone number, thought about it, and finally saved the word "jun".

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