Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1544: One lie after another (15)

"Bingo!" Mu Xiaoxiao snapped his fingers, hands on his hips, completely afraid of his fierceness, pointed at his nose, stared at him and said, "Yeah! You did it! You made it clear that you touch the porcelain party How could I lose money to you. "

"Don't you try it without losing money!" The man yelled fiercely at her, and stepped forward to hit Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao took precautions and took a step back.

It was just that she accidentally bumped into something, and her body was crooked.

A strong arm protected her in time.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't need to look at it to know that it was Yin Shaoyan. She smiled at the corner of her mouth and turned around and hugged his arm.

"Yin Shaoxing, what do you say? This person is unreasonable."

The man was fierce, "You just don't make sense, you don't lose money if you hit someone, do you still have good reason? Big sister, big brother, do you mean it?"

The aunt beside him nodded again, "Yeah, you will lose money if you hit someone. Why are you so poisonous, you little girl?"

Is she poisoned?

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the aunt inconceivably.

The aunt snorted and pointed at her nose and reprimanded, "I said, little girl, how did your parents teach you? Did you raise you and hurt someone, of course you have to lose money? This is justified. thing!"

Mu Xiaoxiao frowned. She hated most people saying that she was not educated.

"what did you say!"

Yin Shaojie stretched out her long arm, pressed her against her chest, and put her hand on the top of her head.

"Don't be mad, I'll deal with them."

Mu Xiaoxiao may not be angry, although she also knows that when she encounters such unreasonable people, she is also angry.

Yin Shaojie was straightforward and looked at the man with cold eyes and said, "Are you going to lose money? Yes, you can call the police and go to have an injury. If it really hurts you, then we will pay all the medical expenses."

Upon hearing the alarm, the man was really nervous. "Alarm? OK! Call the police!"

At this moment, a man in police uniform came over and shouted, "What are you doing here? What happened?"

The aunt yelled, "Comrade Police, someone was hit here, but you are not willing to lose money because of the injury, you have to deal with it."

"Hit someone? Who hit someone?" The policeman's voice was a little loud.

"They! Just them! Comrade Police, you have to take charge of me!" The man changed immediately, crying and crying, completely contrary to his fierce look.

"You can rest assured that if you are really hit, they must be held to the end. The injury on your body is what they hit? Why is it so serious?" The policeman exclaimed.

The man said in a hurry, "I also have injuries on my waist, and I have pain all over my body! This is true!"

"That's a lot of medical expenses ... Who drove it? How did you drive the car and hit someone like this?" The policeman looked up, looked away, and caught Mu Xiaoxiao and Yin Shaoji's eyes, and froze. .

Mu Xiaoxiao always thinks there is something wrong, especially the policeman in front of him. It looks like I've seen it there.

"Uncle police, he touches porcelain," she said.

The policeman's eyes shook, and he coughed, as if he was covering something, and his voice was rougher than just now. "Well, you can't easily decide. You all have your own words. We also have to ask passersby what they think. The process of hitting people? "

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