Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1548: One lie after another (19)

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and shook his head. "It doesn't hurt, it's just vegetables. How painful can it be."

Yin Shaojie really took her for granted, and taught her, "Who made you stand in front of me?"

"I want to protect you," Mu Xiaoxiao muttered.

In fact, she was completely subconscious, and her body moved before her brain could think.

Yin Shaojie sighed deeply, stretched out her long arm, held her little head, and pressed it on her chest.

Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out his hands and circled his waist.

Can he be reconciled with her now?

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes rolled around, and she said sweetly, "Yin Shao'er, you know, to me, you are my most important person, and most important."

So he ignored her, she was really upset.

Yin Shaojiu's black eyes were lowered, and she stared at the top of her head thoughtfully.

He is her most important person.

Of course he knew it and wouldn't doubt it.


I don't know when he suddenly became dissatisfied.

He didn't want to be just her most important person, he didn't want to be just one of the important people.

What he wanted was to occupy her all and be her only.

Let her be in his eyes and heart.

This possessiveness was so strong that he was scared by himself.

Yin Shaojiu's eyes sank again.


It's almost time for school.

Although the two did not say anything, the atmosphere inside the car was much better than before.

Mu Xiaoxiao was happy, and the phone vibrated, apparently a WeChat message.

She pulled out her phone and unlocked it naturally. Then she tapped into WeChat and saw that Qi Qing had sent it to herself, and asked herself if she would come to school today, when would they pick up clothes.

As soon as Mu Xiaoxiao saw the content behind him, he moved his body subconsciously, so as not to be seen by Yin Shaojiu.

She smiled and said, "It's Qi Qing's WeChat, and asked me if I came to school."

Sit up straight, and secretly turned to the side of the window so that he could not see what he was typing.

——I'm here soon. I'll talk about this later.

Han Qiqing seemed to understand her meaning and made a shut up expression.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly put away the phone.

However, suddenly I heard Yin Shaojie's voice ringing in my ear, "What did you say? Show me."

He said so naturally, as if it was a matter of course.

Mu Xiaoxiao's hand froze.

Although Qi Qing's content does not reveal her secrets, but Yin Shaojie is so clever that it is difficult to guarantee that he will be skeptical when he sees the phrase “get clothes”.

Then ask her, how can she explain it?

She really doesn't like lying!

It is really painful to tell a lie, and to count it with countless lies.

Yin Shaoxu pulled the corner of his mouth, his smile seemed to have cooled down.

Mu Xiaoxiao was afraid that if he didn't show him, he would get angry again, so he had to pass the cell phone to him.

"Look at it yourself ..."

I just hope he doesn't doubt it.

Otherwise, she will lie again. Lying is really a torture to her.

Especially for him, she really didn't want to lie.

He had assured him before that nothing would be hidden from him.

She didn't do it ...

Mu Xiao was careful like a mass, entangled and messy.

In the end, she could only comfort herself, and after the surprise she had prepared for him was revealed, she surrendered to him.

At that time, he should not be angry.

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