Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1552: One lie after another (23)

Mu Xiaoxiao said again, "He is already an adult. He is responsible for his actions. He wants to drink alcohol. Then he just drinks it. Is this something I can control? Can I let him go east, he will go east Let him go west, will he go west? "

"I ..." Feng Tianqi has not found a way to refute.

After Mu Xiao's novel was finished, he bowed his head, opened the book, and ignored him.

Feng Tianqi's face gradually became aloof.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, you can be so cruel."

Mu Xiaoxiao was in a bad mood and didn't want to quarrel with him, but when she heard this, she couldn't help it.

She looked up and glared at him and said, "Feng Tianqi, I'm not a Virgin, and I don't want to be a Virgin!"

"What about you, have you considered my brother's feelings?" Feng Tianqi looked into her eyes and said angrily, "I don't understand why you would not forgive him, well, even if you would not forgive him, But he did it for you, don't you feel anything? "

"No." Mu Xiaoxiao answered this intentionally.

嘭 ——

Feng Tianqi hit a punch on the table, her eyes were scarlet, and she held her and said, "Okay, Mu Xiaoxiao, I think you're wrong."

He pushed his chair up and got out of the classroom.

Mu Xiaoxiao's expression was a little rude and he didn't go to see him.

The whole classroom was quiet and strange, as if you could hear the sound of a needle falling to the ground.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up, only to find the whole classroom, classmates and teachers were looking at her with a look of surprise.

She said to the teacher, "Sorry, sir, you can go on to class."

The teacher huffed awkwardly. "That ... OK, let's go on to class."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the book with his eyes down, but didn't read a word.

She didn't feel good either.

Today is really bad luck. It seems that everything is not going well.

She simply lay on the textbook and buried her face in it.


After Feng Tianqi left, he didn't return to the classroom. I don't know if he left the school.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that the place around him was empty, and Jun Zeye, who was at the same table, was not there, and Feng Tianqi at the table was not there.

When they were there before, it was so lively.

Today they are not there, they feel empty around them.

After class, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't want to stay in the classroom anymore and left the teaching building.

Ling Ling Ling-

The bell rang and the others rushed to the classroom, but she was in the opposite direction.

After a while, other students disappeared from the campus. Only in the playground in the distance did students take physical education classes.

She walked quietly, and the winter air seemed a bit depressed.

I didn't think where to go.

Walking and walking, I naturally walked to the student union building.

Here at Suntech, apart from the classroom, she stayed the most for the Student Union.

However, everyone in the Student Union should be in class now.

She went to the first floor without seeing anyone.

Go upstairs and walk to the door of Yin Shao's office. The door is locked.

She leaned against the door and stared at the sky outside the windowsill for a moment.

This feeling of not knowing where to go is really bad.

Arguing with Feng Tianqi, Yin Shaojie was also angry with her and ignored her.

Everything is terrible today.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about it, took out his mobile phone, and sent a WeChat to Qi Qing.

——What class do you take?

If Qi Qing didn't attend the main course, just ask her to come out and accompany her, and you can just slip out and get clothes from the beautiful lady boss.

However, after waiting for a while, Qi Qing did not reply.

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