Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1559: One Lie After Another (30)

This time, Feng Tianqi was not so resistant, but he seemed hesitant. After all, he apologized for pulling down his son.

Feng Shengyang sat back on the sofa, pulled out the beer, and drank his head.

"Brother, don't you drink it?" Feng Tianqi looked at him worriedly and said simply, "Okay, okay, I can go back to school to find a little one, but you can't drink any more, if you continue to drink, Then I won't go. "

Feng Shengyang glanced at him, "Smelly boy, do you dare to threaten me? Would you like to go, please don't say I don't remind you, with Yin Shaomin's attention to Xiao Xiao, knowing that you quarreled with Xiao Xiao, and made her mad Unhappy, then you don't even want to get closer to Xiao. "

"Che, who is afraid of him!" Feng Tianqi sneered.

Feng Shengyang ignored him, opened the breakfast he bought, and ate two casually.

Feng Tianqi felt relieved when he saw him eating breakfast, but still couldn't help but say, "Brother, you have been drinking enough in the past two days, so stop drinking."

"What do you think this wine is? I just drink it casually." Feng Shengyang looked indifferent.

"It's not much?" Feng Tianqi knew that his alcohol was amazing, but he didn't know it was so powerful.

Look at this living room, where a bottle of wine has been lost. This number can drunk a dozen big men.

Feng Shengyang drank beer with breakfast, and said, "Drink a little alcohol to calm your mind and think about problems."

Feng Tianqi, "..."

This is the first time he has heard of such a theory.

However, when he said this from his brother's mouth, he felt a sense of grandeur.

"I've figured it out and I know what to do next, so you don't have to worry about me." Feng Shengyang stopped and glanced at him. "So, you should get me back to school."

"What do you want to know? How are you going to let Xiao Xiao forgive you?" Feng Tianqi was curious.

Feng Shengyang didn't say anything, just shook his hand to him, signaled that he could go.

"Remember to apologize," he reminded.

Feng Tian Qi shuddered, "I see ..."

Seeing that his brother's appearance was okay, he left.

As a result, Feng Tianqi really returned to Suntech College. When he returned to the classroom, the students in the classroom were stunned.

Hearing the noisy voice, he ignored the teacher while he was still in class, and glanced at everyone and asked, "What is she? Why is she gone?"

"Mu Xiaoxiao ... After you left, she also left after class. I don't know where to go. I didn't see her return ..."

Feng Tianqi frowned. I wonder where I went?

"Then how did she look when she left?" He asked with a little care.

The girl sitting nearby glanced at each other, and someone replied, "She looks ... not so good, seems to be uncomfortable."

Feng Tianqi's face sank, "I see."

After speaking, they walked out of the classroom, leaving everyone with a confused expression.


Going out to find Mu Xiaoxiao, Feng Tianqi's first thought was the Student Union, because every time Xiaoxiao was out of the classroom, he went to the Student Union to find Yin Shaoji.

He is sure that Xiaoxiao will definitely be in the Student Union.

So when he went to the student union and didn't find a little one, he was a little bit embarrassed.

However, the Student Union did not meet anyone else.

When he hurried downstairs, thinking about where the Xiaohui would go, he did not expect that he met Mu Xiao unexpectedly at the entrance of the student union building.

Looking down at her little head, her face was obviously lonely.

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