Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1564: One lie after another (35)

Soon, Mu Xiaoxiao and Han Qiqing arrived at the Student Union Building.

When I went to the president's office of the student council, I saw Song Shijun sitting behind his desk with various folders on the desk.

"Qi Qing, you finally came! Help me!" Song Shijun jumped at the sight of her.

The two walked over together, and Mu Xiaoxiao first asked, "Where has Yin Shaoyin gone?"

This question was asked a little bit. Of course Song Shijun was not good at selling off guards, spreading his hands, and frankly said, "I don't know. He seems to be in a hurry. He said that there is no time to come back to the meeting. Let me take charge of this meeting. Qi Qing, you know that I'm most afraid of meetings, let me leave this to you. "

After hearing that, Han Qiqing stepped back, saying that he was retreating from his position, his hands were folded across his chest, and he shook his head to refuse. "No! I don't like meetings, either, because he asked you to replace them, then you are responsible for it. Hard work."

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "So, did he go out urgently?"

Song Shijun nodded, "It should be, anyway, he said something urgent, he can't come back for the time being."

After confirming this answer, Mu Xiao felt better.

She comforted herself that Yin Shaoyu might just have something urgent, not that she didn't want to ignore her.

Yes, it must be!

He must be busy with something very important, so he didn't see the text message she sent him, not intentionally not replying to her.

Han Qiqing suddenly remembered it, and slapped his palm and said, "I think of it, it seems like it. Before Yin Shaoyu left, it seemed that he was looking at the mobile phone. There might be something urgent, so he hurried away."

In fact, she wasn't sure if this was the case, but in order to appease Xiao Xiao, it didn't make her sad.

"This is not the point ..." Song Shijun said with a bitter expression, almost moaning, holding his head, "The point now is, I don't want to have a meeting!"

After thinking about it, he turned to Xiao Xiao and said, "Otherwise ... Xiao Xiao, you can come to a meeting for Shao Yan!"

"I? Why is it me?" Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled. Now she only wanted to know about Yin Shaoxing, where he was going, what was urgent, why didn't you tell her, and when would you be busy to come back.

He was so indifferent to her today that it made her feel bad.

So she now wants to see him, stay with him, find a way to coax him, and let him reconcile with her.

Song Shijun took it for granted, "Because you are the wife of the president of the student union! Then you are the president's wife, right? Since the president is not available, is it not your responsibility to be the wife of the president?"

This, literally, makes sense.

But Mu Xiaoxiao won't be fooled.

"What the **** is Madam President? Your student union has a meeting, what is it about me? I'm not your student union, and I don't know what you're going to do."

"It's very simple, just talk according to the content of the file, and then listen to everyone's opinions, and finally discuss the results and it's OK." Song Shijun asked, trying to convince Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao grinned at him, "Since it's so simple, what are you afraid of? Just talk according to the contents of the file, and then listen to everyone's opinions, and finally discuss the results, how simple. Rest assured, you I can do it well, I believe in you. "

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