Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1578: One lie after another (49)

An ordinary Volkswagen stopped in front of a chic and luxurious building.

"Here," said the handsome guy in the driver's seat.

Mu Xiaoxiao had been thinking about things just now, and was called back by his voice, "Oh" answered, and then unfastened his seat belt and got out of the car.

She looked up and stayed to see a large sign in front of her.

-Jueji Club.

The entire building is a very unique style that looks very distinctive and tall.

"That's it?" She was surprised, pointing to the building in front of her.

This looks like a high-end club.

"Um." The handsome guy reversed into the warehouse, then got out of the car and responded to her words.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought it would be the kind of place in a secret alley. I didn't expect it to be the case.

The handsome man went forward and said, "Come on."

Mu Xiaoxiao followed the step subconsciously, and suddenly hesitated.

Do you really want to go in?

She knows that she is vigilant and wo n’t trust others.

Although this time she talked to the handsome guy first.

When she was in the car, she had been tangling this question, but there was still no answer.

Reason tells her that she shouldn't go in. If something goes wrong, she'll be stupid.

But if you do n’t go in ...

Mu Xiaoxiao thought about Yin Shaojie, did he already know that she was here with a cowboy, if he knew, would he come over?

Thinking that he ignored him today, the balance tilted again.

If she didn't do this, how could she lead Yin Shaojie out?

This is the only way.

I was still worried that the Cowherd could not be found. Now, the Cowherd is delivered to the door. This is exactly the arrangement of the heavens. If I dare not go in, wouldn't I return to the original point?

Mu Xiaoxiao thought down, as if in a daze.

The handsome guy looked at her and said, "If you don't want to ..."

Before I finished speaking, from a distance, I heard a bit harsh tone shouting, "Yo, Zhiming brother! Good morning, did you take the guests early in the morning?"

Ye Zhiyuan turned his head to look at him, his eyes lightened, and he did not answer.

The man approached, looking at Mu Xiaoxiao with impunity.

Mu Xiaoxiao also found this man, a good looking man, looking in his twenties, dyed with a very stylish linen color, his hair looks like finishing, looks a bit handsome.

It was just that his eyes were a little malicious, which made Mu Xiaoxiao uncomfortable.

Especially the way he looked at himself.

When the other party approached, Mu Xiaoxiao could hear a smell of wine, she wrinkled her nose unconsciously and stepped back.

The man's eyes became a little overcast, as if yanking the corners of his mouth.

"Isn't it like a guest? Zhiming Brother, you really have the means. Even such a pure little sister has cheated. No wonder you are the trump card in the shop. I ca n’t really do such things in the future. Learn from you. "

Ye Zhiyuan said lightly, "She is not a guest, but my friend."

"Oh, you still have friends, it's really the first time you've seen them." The expression of the man with a clear disdain.

Mu Xiaoxiao was not very happy when he heard this, and looked at the man in front of him.

"Who are you?" She asked.

The man was about to open his mouth to say, Who knows to be interrupted by Mu Xiaoxiao.

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