Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1581: One Lie After Another (52)

"Since you're Zhiyuan's friend, that's my friend. Could you please tell me your name? Depending on your temperament, which mighty Miss Qianjin?

His last words revealed his purpose, which made Ye Zhiyuan frown.

Mu Xiaoxiao leaned back, leaning on the back of the sofa, with a slight smile on the delicate little face, holding the man.

"Who am I and what do you care about?"

The man's smile froze and he kicked into the cold plate for the third time.

As if to cover up, he also smiled specifically, and then patted his face.

"I said something wrong, I was wrong, I punished myself!"

Then he raised his hand and called the waiter, "Give me a bottle of wine and three glasses."

Ye Zhiyuan knew what he wanted to do, and said, "No need, just a cup."

The waiter looked at the two of them and retreated.

After a while, I brought a bottle of wine and a cup.

The man poured a glass, made a respectful gesture to Mu Xiaoxiao, drank his head, and drank three glasses.

Mu Xiaoxiao blinked and wondered about the situation.

What's going on with this man, somehow started drinking.

Who asked him to punish himself by three cups?

are you crazy!

After the man finished drinking, he lowered his glass and looked at Ye Zhiyuan and said, "Brother Zhi Yuan, you don't know how many people envy you and don't do anything, it's the trump card in the store. It's like us, it's so hard every day. "

While talking, he looked at Mu Xiaoxiao with poor eyes.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze. Is this man drunk or something?

Goosebumps were seen in his eyes.

The man continued in a mournful tone, "I wish I could be like Zhiyuan Brother. You have a fixed master and don't have to worry about anything. You just need to serve a good person."

Then he glanced at Mu Xiaoxiao again.

Mu Xiaoxiao was seen by him, and subconsciously hid to Ye Zhiyuan.

She whispered, "Is he drunk?"

"No." Ye Zhiyuan told her very clearly, then added, "You don't need to ignore him, wait for this account to be mine."

"Ah?" Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled.

Ye Zhiyuan looked at the man and asked the waiter to bring new wine and continued to drink. His face did not change. Although he was still talking in his mouth, he did not look drunk.

He whispered to Mu Xiaoxiao, "He's called a guest, he's a guest, and the wine he ordered should be included in your bill, and he will have a commission at that time."

Generally, the cowboy who has not ordered will use this sloppy way to try to earn a little commission.

"Oh ~~ I see." Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, watching the man still pouring, and kept talking about how miserable she was, she couldn't help being stirred up with some compassion, she whispered to Ye Zhiyuan, "This single is It's mine. "

"No, you ..." Ye Zhiyuan thought about rejecting.

Mu Xiaoxiao waved his hand and didn't let him go on, and said to the man, "Don't drink, I'll order your platform."

The man raised his hand in the glass, as if stupefied and overjoyed, "Really? Do you really order my stage?"

"Yes, yes, so don't drink it." Mu Xiaoxiao really couldn't stand anybody so masochistic in front of himself.

Seeing Ye Zhiyuan still wanted to speak, Mu Xiaoxiao said, "Are there any other people who haven't slept yet? Tell them to come together, I ordered them!"

This heroic tone!

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