Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1588: One Lie After Another (59)

He got in the car, there was a mess in the car, there were traces of the car seat being broken by bullets, and the cotton inside came out.

If he wouldn't drive this kind of car in normal times, he would definitely ask someone to send him a new car.

But he didn't have time to think about it now, he had to rush to Mu Xiaoxiao right away.

This girl has to spank her today!

Yin Shaojie gritted his teeth and turned the steering wheel. There was a commercial vehicle in front of him. He stepped back a few meters, ran into the car, bumped the commercial vehicle away, and then walked away.

A few minutes later, he arrived at the Jueji Club.

There was a white ambulance parked outside, and Yin Shaoyan glanced into his eyes and walked in quickly.

Someone was lifted out, his face screaming with blood, his face screaming in pain.

The waiter commanded, Ye Zhiyuan stood and called.

The manager came over in a hurry, his face was ugly, and he scolded the group of people, but he was not deflated and kept scolding.

"Who are you?" A waiter saw Yin Shaomin breaking in, and hurriedly stopped him.

Yin Shaoji asked coldly, "Where is she?"

"Ah?" The waiter asked, "Who are you looking for? We haven't opened a shop yet."

At this moment, the manager came over and thought that Yin Shaojiu had come to make troubles. He shook his hand and said unhappyly, "Who are you? Come out! There is no one who can enter here casually."

But Yin Shaojie didn't move, just looked around, looking for a small figure.

Where is she?

"Can't you get out?" The manager didn't sleep well and encountered such a thing again, and his temper was so bad that he beckoned the security guard directly and said, "Kick him out!"

Yin Shaoxian glanced at the past, stretched his long arm, and dragged the manager in front of himself.

Jun face moved forward, deep black eyes stared at the manager, his voice was frosty, "I ask you, is she? Was there a girl just here? She is!"

Although he knows that the person he arranges will protect the little ones, he can't help worrying about just seeing the ambulance outside.

The manager was yelled, and then he could clearly see Yin Shao's face, the courage of the king's presence in the world, an extraordinary figure at first sight.

His attitude changed immediately, and he trembled, "Why, what girl? I haven't seen any girl?"

He had just arrived, and only knew about fighting, the waiter hadn't had time to tell him anything else.

"Do you dare to lie to me?" Yin Shaojiu's black eyes were slightly narrowed, and his momentum suddenly became appalling.

The manager shook, knowing that he had met a big man, and shook his head in a hurry to explain, "I really don't know what girl! I didn't lie to you, I ..."

The next second, Yin Shaoxu was thrown away.

"Liu Shao?" Ye Zhiyuan finished the phone call, turned around and saw Yin Shaohuan, recognized him, and was a little surprised.

Hearing his voice, Yin Shaojiao turned his head and looked at Ye Zhiyuan, "Who are you?"

Ye Zhiyuan pursed his lips. "We ... have met before, that, you just said that girl, are you her boyfriend?"

Could it be that he was the culprit that made Mu Xiao feel bad?

Ye Zhiyuan never thought that that person would be a shabby young man.

Yin Shaojie stared at his face for a few seconds, and finally remembered it, saying suddenly, "I remember you, you are President Yan ..."

Little lover.

He didn't say these three words.

Ye Zhiyuan's expression was a little awkward, but it was a fact and he couldn't deny it.

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