Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1591: One lie after another (62)

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the signboard a little confused, and did not want to comment on his luck for the day.

It seems that her bad luck is still going on.

She turned to look at Jun Zeye, and said in a dull voice, "I thought I would get better with you ..."

The shop didn't open and she couldn't get her clothes.

"What do you want to buy?" Jun Zeye asked her.

Mu Xiaosha shook his head. I can't say that he customized the **** clothes here, right?

She pulled her phone out of her pocket, stared at the phone for a while, and hesitated before turning on the phone.

As soon as the signal was passed, she received a text message reminder and a number was called to her.

Heart fluctuated.

But when I saw this mobile phone number, it wasn't Yin Shaojie's number.

She couldn't help disappointing.

But thinking again, would he call someone else's cell phone to himself?

Will not.

He wants to call her, why not use his own cell phone?

Could it be that his phone is broken or something?

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and refused to let him give him a reason.

Didn't you just ignore him?

She wants to do it!

Mu Xiaoxiao raised his face, stared at the mobile phone seriously, ordered himself not to dial the phone back, and then clicked into WeChat.

She sent a WeChat message to Han Qiqing, asking her how to contact that beautiful boss.

Because Han Qiqing had previously added WeChat to the beauty boss.

After waiting for a minute, Qi Qing didn't reply, it should be in class.

Mu Xiaoxiao has lost hope of his luck today.

Putting away her phone, she looked at Jun Zeye and said, "Let's go."

"Where?" He asked.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and looked up at the sky. I don't know when the sun was blocked and the sky was cloudy.

Just like her mood at this time.

She was messy and didn't know where she should go.

Eyes are slightly wet.

For a moment I felt like an abandoned child, confused and helpless, and wondered where to go.

"Aze ..." She looked up and looked at Jun Zeye, tears turning in her eyes, her voice said with a clear choked voice, "I want to return to my childhood ..."

When I was a kid, I was simple and happy.

Why do people grow up?

Can she stop growing up ...

I really want to blink, I will go back to childhood.

Back to the simplest time, I did n’t understand anything, I had little thought, I was happy like a fool every day, and I could be happy all day with little things.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't realize she was crying, tears slipped down her cheeks.

Jun Zeye looked at her with deep eyes, raised his hand, and touched her face with her long fingers, and wiped the tears on her face with her fingertips.

"I'll take you back," he said in a low voice.

Mu Xiao nodded, tears were more turbulent.

She leaned her head forward and leaned against his chest.

The voice whispered and said, "Aze, I'm so sorry ... Yin Shaoxu's **** ignored me ... He treats me badly today ... I feel really bad ..."

Jun Zeye said nothing, but covered her head with her big hands.

"I hope it's him ..." She wept, her tears wet the fabric on his chest.

Yin Shaojie didn't come, which made her feel that she had done something particularly stupid and silly.

She was so proud that she thought of such a great idea.

"Aze, tell me ... am I really doing something wrong? I just want the two to have a good memory for the first time ..."

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