Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1593: One Lie After Another (64)

As if, here is the time outside.

The two walked into a large shamrock in front of them and began to look for it.

Find them carefully, and look carefully.

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't think about whether she could really find it. She just wanted to find it, as if she hadn't finished it at an early age.

Bending down all the time, getting tired, standing up, squatting down, and then looking down.

Ten minutes passed.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked up and smiled suddenly, "It still can't be found."

Such things as clover seem to be just a legend, they won't really exist.

"Give me a few more minutes," Jun Zeye whispered, looking serious, and lowered his head to continue his search.

In fact, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't matter anymore. She sat on the grass and looked up at the blue sky.

What if you find it?

Post for a while.

A dark shadow approached her, shrouding the petite her in the shadow.

"I found it." A thick, low voice sounded in her ear.

Mu Xiaoxiao's consciousness is a little embarrassing, and she has a feeling of being in a dream.

She turned her head and looked at Jun Zeye in front of her eyes.

what did he say?

found it!

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes blinked, his pupils became in focus, and he looked at him in a fixed way, and asked, "What did you say?"

"I found it." Jun Zeye crouched down in front of her and handed the contents in front of her.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the grass in his hand.

one two three four……

It's really four pieces!

With a joy, she jumped up. "Really found it ?!"

Oh my god!

is this real? !!

Mu Xiaoxiao suspected that he was dreaming. He pulled his hand tightly and pulled it in front of him, fearing that he was wrong.

Count again, one, two, three, four, four!

It's really a clover!

There are really clover!

"Awesome, awesome! Really found it! Azer, there are really clover!" Mu Xiaoxiao was so happy that the whole person seemed to be rejuvenated in an instant, holding Jun Zeye's hand, jumping Jumping.

"Here you are." Jun Zeye held up her hand, spread out her palm, and put the grass in her palm.

At this moment, Mu Xiaoxiao's mobile phone vibrated.

She took a look and Qi Qing responded.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled suddenly and said to Jun Zeye, "Look at Az! My mold luck seems to disappear."

Is it because of the relationship with the clover?

In fact, if you look at Mu Xiaoxiao carefully, you will find that the leaves of this 'four-leaf clover' are not the same as the leaves of the clover. It is just a grass with four leaves, but it looks very similar to the clover. similar.


In the sports car, Yin Shaojiu kept his face calm.

He re-purchased a mobile phone and looked at the positioning while driving in the direction of positioning.

The red dot that was originally in place suddenly moved, and the speed of travel was fast, indicating that Mu Xiaoxiao was in a car and they were going somewhere.

I was trying to speed up, but no one encountered a red light.

A brake stopped.

Obviously there is only a red light for tens of seconds. At this moment, Yin Shaozhen was very impatient and felt like he was living like a year.

Eyes stared at the red light without moving away.

The yellow light is flashing, and the green light will be in a few seconds.

However, this time, the phone rang.

It was he who arranged to follow the little one.

Answering the call, the other's voice said with a trembling voice, "That, Shao ... Ms. Mu and the man ... entered the hotel ..."

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