Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1595: One Lie After Another (66)

Her first reaction was to shake her head and answer, "Of course not!"

The lady boss looked at her as if she could understand it from her answer, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, you are a well-divided girl."

Friends are friends, and boyfriends are boyfriends. There is no possibility of confusion.

The lady owner walked to the sofa next to her, picked up a nicely packed bag, and turned to hand it to her.

"Do you want to take a look? If you are not satisfied, you can modify it. Of course, I have confidence. Everyone who comes to my store will be satisfied."

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed and liked her confidence.

She nodded. "Of course, I also believe in your craftsmanship, so I won't watch it. There will be no problem."

"The most important thing is that your boyfriend will like it. When the time comes, remember to tell me the results." The smile of the beautiful boss lady was ambiguous.

Mu Xiaoxiao just pulled the corner of his mouth, but didn't answer this sentence.

"Well, why are you in the hotel, boss?" She asked curiously, shifting the subject.

However, this is indeed where she was curious.

I just glanced casually at this presidential suite and found that it doesn't look like I just moved in. From some small details, I can see traces of long stays.

At first, she was embarrassed to come in, because she was afraid to disturb the beauty boss's date with her lover.

When she came in, she found that it didn't look like a date.

The lady boss smiled, as if she knew what she was thinking, and sighed, "I also want a handsome man to come to the hotel with me, unfortunately, the peach blossom is not very good recently. Well, frankly tell you Actually I live here, I'm used to staying in a hotel. "

"Do you live here? Just stay in a hotel?" Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised and heard this for the first time.

The lady boss said, "Yeah, how good it is to stay in a hotel. There is a dedicated service, so don't worry about anything."

This is a five-star presidential suite, and there will be a butler for the distinguished guests, who will be waiting for you.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused and said, "But ... the hotel is a hotel, after all, isn't it different without the warmth of home?"

"I don't have a family." The lady boss said with a smile.

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated and apologized in a hurry, "Sorry, I ..."

The beauty boss shook her hand. "It's okay. I've been used to it. It's okay to have no family. I'm happy to live alone."

Mu Xiaoxiao is not good at saying anything, for fear of making more mistakes.

"The boss lady ... I'm leaving now, thank you." She carried the bag and said politely to the lady boss.

The lady boss walked out of the room holding her hand and said, "When you are bored, you can come here to play with me. I welcome you to come and don't be kind to me."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "I will, then I will go first."

"Well." The lady boss sent her and Jun Zeye to the door, smiling gently and admonishing, "Be careful on the way back."

"Byeess, bye." Mu Xiaoxiao said.

Jun Zeye reached out and motioned for the bag in her hand to herself.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head and said, "No need, just hold it by myself."

After all, the bag was the kind of clothes, and she thought it was weird to get him.

She tightened her bag.

The lady owner looked at the scene from behind, and then slowly closed the door.

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