Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1713: Identity exposure (4)

Xichuan Qianling could feel the gaze on her in all directions, making her feel uncomfortable.

She always felt scared when the onlookers were joking.

She won't be afraid!

She gritted her teeth, clenched the apple in her hand, and walked towards the target.

However, the feet were heavy like lead.

Xichuan Qianling stood in front of the target, and put the apple on top of his head with a slight shaking.

She watched her designated bodyguard stand at the archery position, put on the arrow, pull the bow, and pointed the arrow at her.

The tip of the arrow seemed to glow with a terrible cold.

Xichuan Qianling's heart shuddered, and Mu Xiaoxiao's words just echoed in her mind.

——What if the arrow misses and you accidentally hit your head, then your head will bloom? Or if you hit your eyes, you will become blind! Wow, the more I think about it, the more terrible it is.

Head blooming ...

Become blind ...

Thinking of these consequences, Xichuan Qianling's heart became colder and her body shook with it.

"Miss Qianling, I want to ..." the bodyguard reminded, this was what Nishikawa Qianling asked to make her mentally prepared.

Xichuan Qianling's breath suffocated suddenly, and a cold image came out of her bones.

Do not……

"Stop! Stop!" She called in shock.

The body shook, and the apple above his head fell off.

With a somber face, she said, "Let me lose ..."

She didn't dare.

She was afraid.

As long as she thinks that even one out of every ten thousand is possible, she doesn't want her head to bloom or become blind!

Xichuan Qianling did not dare to look at the crowd's eyes, but calmly walked towards Mu Xiao.

The staff nearby was worried and asked carefully, "Miss Qian Ling, are you okay ..."

Nishikawa Qian Ling glanced fiercely at each other.

Shut up for convenience and back away.

"Wish to lose!" She told Mu Xiao novel.

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled very friendly. "It's just for fun. Fortunately, the stakes are small. You don't need to pay too much attention. That bitter tea is good for your health."

Xichuan Qianling didn't care about the bet, she was concerned about the face she lost.

"One more round! Let's play something else this time!"

"Don't worry, drink this cup of bitter tea first, let's talk slowly." Mu Xiaoxiao took the bitter tea added by Han Qiqing and handed it to Xi Ling Qianling.

With so many people watching, should Xichuan Qianling not regret not drinking?

Xichuan Qianling took bitter tea indignantly, his face was full of anger that could not be concealed, and staring at the cup was like piercing the cup with his eyes.

When she opened the cup and was about to drink it.

Suddenly, a voice from Ling Ran sounded, "Wait."

Nishikawa Qian Ling paused, looked at it in surprise, and called, "Hey?"

Yuan Yelin followed the housekeeper just now. Obviously, the housekeeper was afraid that she might get into trouble, so she told Yuan Yelin.

There was also a banquet at the celebration, inviting people from major families. Yuan Yelin was naturally listed, so he was just in a nearby mansion.

Yuan Yelin glanced sharply at Mu Xiaoxiao and others, his eyes stopped on Yin Shaojiu.

"I admire you very much, but you bully my niece like this, don't it seem to be good?" Yuan Yelin said to Yin Shaojie, his voice was cold.

Yin Shaojiu's dark eyes fluctuated slightly and he did not answer his words.

Aside Mu Xiaoxiao was nervous, wondering what Yuan Yelin meant.

Did he recognize Yin Shaojie?

how can that be?

Yin Shaojie is now a real face, not easy to look into Ou Ming!

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