Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1720: Plan success (3)

The hand has just begun.

Yuan Yelin glanced at them, but did not see Xi Ling Qian Ling, and asked, "Where is Qian Ling?"

Mu Xiao touched her nose cautiously and explained, "She suddenly said that she was uncomfortable, and might go back to the room to rest."

Yin Shaojie understood what she saw by her little gesture. She twitched her mouth slightly, stretched out her hand, and pulled her to sit beside her.

Yuan Yelin thought that it was Xichuan Qianling's disobedience. Although she thought it was rude to leave her customers like this, she didn't tell her to educate her at this time, so she said nothing.

Mu Xiaoxiao was very afraid that he would continue to ask, and he was relieved when he didn't ask.

She turned her attention to Yin Shaoji and asked, "Who did you win?"

"Mr. Pan Yuan just won." Yin Shaoxu chuckled, not paying much attention.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at his face and whispered, "You lost? Is he terrific?"

"Well, it's really good." Yin Shaojie boasted sincerely, but it didn't look like he was willing to surrender.

Mo Xiaomeng also sat beside Ye Sijue. Ye Sijue put down one hand and held her little hand, which made her a little shy.

"You're playing cards." She shoved his hand, but Ye Sijue didn't let go.

This is the beginning of a new round.

The card has been dealt to Ye Sijue.

Ye Sijue turned his head and said to Mo Xiaomeng, "You help me flop."

"I won't." Mo Xiaomeng shook his head.

Ye Sijue chuckled and said, "I'll do it. The flop is just to look at it. Hush, don't show it to others, just let us see it for ourselves."

Han Qiqing happened to be standing behind the two of them. When he heard this, he deliberately teased, "Not to be shown to others? Should I count others?"

With that said, I deliberately looked in the past.

"Of course not." Mo Xiaomeng shook his head and reached out to grab a card, then picked it up and gave it to Han Qiqing.

Who knows, blocked by Ye Sijue, "don't show her."

"Why?" Mo Xiaomeng puzzled.

Ye Sijue glanced at Han Qiqing and said, "She can't hide her expression. If someone guesses whether our cards are good or bad, it's not good for us."

"It's ... it's okay?" Mo Xiaomeng couldn't bear to let Qi Qing down.

Han Qiqing is not a non-sensible person. He waved and said, "I don't see, I don't see, I'm just kidding, you two."

Mo Xiaomeng also said, "Then I don't watch it either, I'm afraid I can't hide ..."

However, Ye Sijue kissed her on the cheek, with a smile on his evil face, "You are my lucky angel, how can you not read the cards?"

Mo Xiaomeng was right when he thought about it, so he picked up the card.

However, she didn't know how to play, so she looked dumbfounded.

"Is this good or bad?" She asked.

Ye Sijue's expression was unpredictable, he just made a hissing lip to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao also reached out to get the cards excitedly, "I'm here to help you see the cards!"

Yin Shaojie did not stop her.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at the cards in his hand, looked at the cards on the table, and froze.

This card is completely out of tune!

"This ..." She looked at Yin Shaojie with guilt.

Yin Shaoyu looked at her little face and asked a little unexpectedly, "Do you know how to play this?"

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded. "I met friends when I was in the United States."

But she only knew the rules and didn't understand the techniques.

The game of Texas Hold'em is to use the cards in your hand to get together with the cards on the table to see who has the biggest card.

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