Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1824: Is this woman sick? (3)

"I'm afraid of that Jiang Ranxi ..." Han Qiqing pointed over, and saw that Jiang Ranxi also found them, just looking over.

It's just that Jiang Ranxi's face doesn't look good.

"Let's go, don't you want to watch a movie?" Yin Shaoyi kissed in a small forehead and took her out.

Jiang Ranxi's eyes followed him closely.

In particular, he held Mu Xiaoxiao, the intimate gesture, as if stinging her eyes, her eyes slowly turned red.

Anyone who has interacted with Yin Shaojie knows that there is no pity and love in his dictionary, let alone spoil people.

But now, is she wrong?

He looked at the girl in his arms, and his eyes were full of coquettishness and love, and even the words seemed so gentle.

Jiang Ranxi couldn't imagine Yin Yin's tenderness toward a girl.

Only I have exclusive respect is the sign that belongs to Yin Shaojiu.

However, this is not the case ...

It turned out that he would also take good care of people and be extremely spoiled.

But these are not hers ...


Cinema entrance.

"How about watching a love movie?"

"What's so good about love movies, weary and crooked, isn't it enough for you to be abused with a dog? You still have to be abused to watch a movie, you are not stupid."

"You're stupid, otherwise what to watch? Do you want to watch this, thriller?"

"I think so."

"I don't, it's disgusting."

Han Qiqing and Song Shijun are noisy, arguing about which movie to watch.

At this time, Ye Sijue said, "Let ’s not watch it together. Whoever wants to watch it, just watch it."

Han Qiqing shook his head. "We are here to watch a movie together. Why should we go to watch it together? Then it's not a movie together."

"Watching a movie is not for chatting, I also agree to watch each other." Yin Shaoxing seconded Ye Sijue.

Ye Sijue held Mo Xiaomeng's hand and looked down at her, "Which one do you want to see?"

Mo Xiaomeng looked at Han Qiqing, "I can do it, let's watch it with everyone."

Ye Sijue said, "You can't see the thriller, you will be scared."

Mo Xiaomeng thought for a while and shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter. When I look at it, I just cover my ears. If I can't hear the sound, I won't feel too afraid."

Ye Sijue looked at her saying this sentence with a serious look, and she felt so cute, so cute that he wanted to kiss her.

"But ... I don't want to watch with Qi Qing." He reached into her ear and said in a voice that only two people could hear.

Mo Xiaomeng froze, "Why?"

She also lowered her voice, afraid that Qi Qing would be sad when she heard it.

Ye Sijue moved his mouth and said, "Because she is very noisy in watching movies, she likes to talk to others, and just ... I want to watch it with you alone."

The last point is the point.

Mo Xiaomeng was a little embarrassed and hesitant, "What to do ..."

But she didn't want to disappoint Qi Qing.

"I have a way." Ye Sijue squeezed her hand, raised her head, looked at Han Qiqing and said, "I and Xiaomeng decided, we can watch that documentary, you are free."

"Documentary? What's so nice about this! If Xiao Meng is timid, let's watch a love movie." Han Qiqing said looking at Ye Sijue incomprehensibly.

Ye Sijue insisted, "I want to watch this one, Xiao Meng wants to accompany me to watch, you can choose what you like."

He expected that Han Qiqing would not want to watch the documentary.

Sure enough, when he heard this, Han Qiqing gave up, "Well, then you two, let's see it together."

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