Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1844: Can't you satisfy me? (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled and remembered that time.

"It would be nice if there were fried chicken," she murmured, feeling as if history repeats itself.

It was the same last time. He won the car and then came up carrying her. The two sat in the same place and watched the night together.

Although there are some differences, the process is exactly the same.

This sense of history repeats Mu Xiaoxiao's new understanding of previous memories.

At that time, I only felt that Yin Shaojie was good to her, but at this moment, I realized that every detail of him was full of love.

Yin Shaojie's chin rested on her shoulder and pecked at her delicate side.

"I went to the hospital for fried chicken last time. Do you still want to eat?"

This girl really eats food, and she has been poisoned by food. Is there no psychological shadow?

"By the way, did you go and clean up that shop? I later saw the news that this fried chicken shop had a problem with the seasoning and was closed."

Mu Xiaoxiao turned his head and looked into his eyes. The little hand played with his hand around his waist.

Yin Shaojie wasn't afraid that she knew it either. She said, "That shop hurts you so badly, of course you have to clean it up."

His pain for her was not just superficial.

Mu Xiaoxiao turned around, two small, fleshy hands clasped his neck and smiled.

"Furthermore, they have a problem in their own store. You are doing harm to the people and doing a great job! Reward you a little red flower."

Yin Shaojie smiled, and Jun face approached her, begging her, "What about the little red flower?"

Of course Mu Xiaoxiao said casually, where did she come from?

After thinking about it, he took a sip on his cheek.

Are you satisfied with such a small red flower?

However, Master Yin is not satisfied and is very dissatisfied.

Just kiss me?

This is a reward for children.

What he wanted was an adult reward.

Yin Shaoyi's big hand touched her back and pressed her towards herself, their faces were closer.

Only less than two centimeters away.

He sprayed on the tip of her nose with ambiguous warmth, a little crispy.

"Don't have a French heat ... kiss, doesn't seem to make sense?"

He raised an eyebrow.

Mu Xiaoxiao jokingly said, "It's so windy here, aren't you afraid of flashing your tongue?"

Yin Shaojie slowly shook her head, and the tip of her nose shivered with her.

"There is nothing to be afraid of flashing to the tongue. With you flashing, people are looking forward to it."

As she spoke, she pecked her gently with her **** thin lips.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that he was seducing himself.

And she was uselessly confused.

Who makes this **** so handsome, the male hormones emanating from him is simply fatal charm.

In fact, there is no light on it, there is only a street lamp not far away, but the distance does not allow the light to come here.

Fortunately, the moonlight is very bright tonight.

Under such moonlight, his handsome features are impeccable, handsome like the vampire family in the movie, and he has an unreal feeling.

Mu Xiaoxiao held Yin Shao's handsome face, and his eyes were as moist as black grapes, and locked him tightly, with **** thin lips, tall nose, and dark eyes ...

She found that he liked his dark eyes more than his lips.

Every time I look into this deep black, it seems that the stars in the galaxy are filled with it, which makes people feel sucked into it and indulge in it.

At this moment, he was the only one in his eyes.

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