Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1848: To meet my wife (3)

Speaking of ...

Yin Shaojiu recalled the previous events, and her mouth twitched.

Black eyes glanced at the people on the bed.

Wouldn't this girl have planned to seduce him like this from the beginning?

He didn't know when his heart fell.

It seemed to be the first time she accidentally kissed her.

But when I think about it, I feel that every previous scene is like a premeditated process.

With a smile, Yin Shaojie leaned over her upper body and pinched her nose.

"You little bastard."

A soft voice, but with infinite pampering.

Mu Xiaoxiao twisted his eyebrows uncomfortably, and turned his head, struggling to shake his hand away.

She was so disturbed by what he did.

Opening his eyes narrowly, he looked at the magnificent face in front of him, whimpered, and said, depressed, "Why are you noisy to sleep and go away."

Yin Shaojie was rude to see her waking up, and patted her **** across the quilt.

"You haven't taken a shower yet, let's sleep after taking a shower."

Mu Xiaoxiao hesitated for two seconds, sleepy struck, just want to sleep peacefully, do not want to take a bath.

However, when I think of blowing hair on the mountain, my body will be dusty and dirty.

Thinking of this, she struggled again.

"Ugh, why are you waking me up, I blame you!"

She was forced to struggle with this problem.

Yin Shaojie looked at her puffing, only feeling more like a coquettish, he reached out and rubbed her cheek, that delicate skin, feel good to make people linger.

"If you don't want to get up, why don't I ... help you wash?"

He lowered his head, his magnetic voice almost against her ears.

Mu Xiaoxiao was entangled in his male breath, and felt very relieved.

Drowsiness became more turbulent again.

This made her even less want to get up and just wanted to sleep on the spot.

"Uh-huh ..." She responded perfunctoryly, apparently she didn't understand what he had just said.

Yin Shaojie was only joking and wanted to tease her.

In his expectation, when she heard this sentence, she should jump off her feet, pat him, and then go to take a bath by herself.

So he didn't expect it to happen, she responded.

"I help you wash?" He repeated.

"Huh ..." Mu Xiaoxiao replied again and nodded.

Does this girl know what he asked?

Yin Shaoyi fished her with her long arm and took her into her arms.

Mu Xiaoxiao is like a boneless animal, lying softly in his arms with his eyes closed, apparently entering a dreamland.

"Hey, little, do you really let me take a bath for you?"

He still had to ask, lest the girl would say he was bad or bad.


She was all asleep and still making a sound.

This made Yin Shaojie laugh, and felt that this scene was terribly cute.

I went to a few places today to eat, watch a movie, go to the mountains for drag racing and hair dryer, and it is impossible not to take a bath.

Even if she didn't mind, he couldn't stand his cleanliness.

Can't you leave her on the sofa or in the guest room to sleep?

So he had to take the burden of bathing her.

Yin Shaoxing thought seriously, while holding an evil smile, hugged her and walked to the bathroom.

"Since you sincerely asked me to take a bath for you, then I am a good husband of one hundred points, of course, to satisfy my wife ...


On the other side, the night house.

Before going home, Ye Sijue took Mo Xiaomeng to buy some gifts and asked her to bring them back to her family.

Just a few boxes for this gift.

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