Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1854: You sleep your (1)

After the mobile phone rang once, no one answered and hung up automatically, and then no longer rang.

On the bed, Ye Sijue asked Mo Xiaomeng once.

Mo Xiaomeng breathed a charming breath, nestled in his arms, his face blurred.

Ye Sijue looked down at her, and the storm in his eyes gradually subsided and turned into an apology.

Compared to every previous affection, he just seemed rude.

However, she only endured it in silence, without any complaints.

His big hands tightened her thin waist, and she saw her brows frown slightly, seemingly uncomfortable.

Ye Sijue's apology was even worse, the lip kissed on her delicate face, and said apologetically.

Mo Xiaomeng opened his eyes, his eyes glowed with water, and there was a touch of worry.

"Jazz ... have you lost your breath?" Her voice was as soft as before, only a little more husky.

Ye Sijue's heart tightened, her eyes locked tightly.


Did he not get angry at all just now?

Mo Xiaomeng frowned, thinking he was still unhappy. Although he was struggling with energy, she raised her hands and held his face.

"Don't you get angry, okay? If you ... if you don't want me to leave so early, I'll leave tomorrow."

Totally compromised with him.

Ye Sijue looked at her with obedience and obedience.

His big hand was holding her cheek, his head lingered around the corner of her mouth, and a fine kiss fell down.

Means soothing.

Mo Xiaomeng rubbed his sour waist and gradually relaxed, only to feel less uncomfortable.

After all, she had done it in the morning, and she came back again in the evening, she was a bit overwhelmed.

"Yeah ..." Ye Sijue's voice was low and he wanted to say sorry, but this sentence got stuck in his throat again and couldn't say.

Mo Xiaomeng looked at him, those blue eyes were so innocent, waiting for him to speak.

Ye Sijue was completely soft-hearted.

"I'm wrong." He sighed and admitted his mistake.

Mo Xiaomeng shook his head, "No, you are right. You are willing to tell me what you really think. I am very happy. I am afraid you will not say ..."

She had panic at the thought of what he didn't want to say at first.

Ye Sijue leaned down and hugged her tightly, Jun face pressed against her fair neck, and shook her head when she could not see it.


He was indeed wrong.

He lied to her.

He said that he was angry with himself, but he was not. He lied, but he was actually angry with her.

Why was she so obedient to that Chris, and why wasn't she giving him priority.

Ye Sijue knew very well that he was selfish.

He knew she was rushing back to the United States not for Chris, but to get together with her family.

But he didn't want her to leave, he just wanted to keep her by her side for even one more minute.

He was not understanding and thought of her, but he was selfishly trying to meet his needs.

But she thought he was angry, so she coaxed him, even if he had just been rude to her, she had no complaints at all.

What she looked like would only fuel his selfishness.

Mo Xiaomeng hugged him back, his head was close to him, and he was cuddling like a small animal.

"Are you still angry now?"

She still asked, as if she had to be sure that he was not angry.

Ye Sijue kissed her on the side, her tender blue eyes filled with tenderness, and her magnetic voice said, "No, I'm not angry."

This little fool.

"Really?" Mo Xiaomeng asked, looking up at him.

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