Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1862: Forget it all (1)

What would she choose if he wanted her to stay and spend Christmas with him at school?

Yin Shaojie walked to the desk, extinguished the cigarette, and pinched his brows with his fingers, looking very irritable.

叩叩 ——

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Yin Shaoyi opened the indoor ventilation, but did not let the other person in. "Wait."

People outside didn't dare to come in and stood obediently waiting.

the other side.

Mu Xiaoxiao arrived in Sunde in the Yin's car, and as soon as he got down at the door, he received a call from Han Qiqing.

"Little! Have you arrived? Will you wait for me at the door?"

Mu Xiaoxiao asked, "What are you doing?"

"Anyway, you have just arrived at the school. Don't go in first. Come with me to buy something outside. I will be at school soon." Han Qiqing asked, allowing Mu Xiaoxiao to refuse her and had to respond.

The driver saw her standing there and asked in confusion, "Miss, won't you go in?"

Mu Xiaoxiao waved to him and said, "I'll wait for someone here, you go back."

"Miss you pay attention to your own safety," the driver warned, and then drove away.

Although it is late, there are still a few students walking towards the school gate.

Someone noticed Mu Xiaoxiao and began to whisper.

"That Bentley is like the Yin family, isn't it? I remember I used to ride this car less."

"It seems to be Yeah, why does Mu Xiaoxiao come to school in Yin's car?"

"I used to bring her here in person, but this time I came to school in Yin's car. This Mu Xiaoxiao is too talented."

"You can't be envious of this. Who makes you beautiful? No one is beautiful. The appearance is pure, and the mainland is charming. Boys love it."

"You said, is there anything between her and Yun?"

Although Mu Xiaoxiao had turned a blind eye to these eyes, would these people whisper too loudly?

It was not clear at the beginning, but later it was clear.

Mu Xiaoxiao was not in a good mood today. Listening to them discussing herself in the direction of fox spirits, she was upset.

Where is she charming?

Turning his head, his eyes swept away.

After getting noticed there, he suddenly murmured and hurried to the school.

However, after going through these and several others, the topics of discussion are similar.

"At this Christmas ball, do you say that Wu Shao's dance party is Mu Xiaoxiao?"

"It should be, although a lot of girls are eager to move, I heard that some people have been looking for the babies in private, but they have been rejected."

"Others don't think about it, you don't have to look at it, what is it like that you are being seduced by Mu Xiaoxiao, I guess she must have been sent by her."

"There is a post saying that Mu Xiaoxiao is the reincarnation of fox spirit. As long as she touches her boys, she will be fascinated by her."

Mu Xiaoxiao supported his forehead.

What a ghost fox reincarnation!

At this moment, a dark shadow approached the girls from behind, and whispered, "Hey, did you find that? Shao really admires Xiao Xiao now."

The girls immediately echoed, "Yeah, yeah, it's really petting. I have so many girlfriends around me, and for the first time I saw him so petting a girl."

"I don't know how Mu Xiaoxiao did it."

"My boyfriend is also as handsome as Wu Shao and spoils me so well."

The black shadow grinned and said in a low voice, "Then you are too guts, knowing that you are so adorable, you dare to say in private that she is a fox spirit reincarnation?"

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