Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1864: Forget it all (3)

She held Han Qiqing and asked, "Did you not bring me a cake? What about the cake? Don't tell me, you put it in your bag."

Han Qiqing is carrying a shoulder bag today, a small bag that can't fit all the cakes.

After hearing that, Han Qiqing put out his tongue and said, "Isn't this taking you to buy? I blame my brother slightly, when I sent you a WeChat, he came out just right, my hand shook, and the cake fell to the ground ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao smiled, "Do you want to be so afraid of your brother?"

"Oh, you don't understand. I'm so hard now. If I don't talk, I just cry. Let's go and buy cakes to soothe my hurting heart."

They held their hands and entered a cake shop.

This is the cake shop where Mu Xiaoxiao and Lu Yichen first met.

Han Qiqing asked, "Little, do we buy cut pieces or a whole cake? If you cut pieces, you can buy different flavors, aren't you your favorite strawberry cake?"

Mu Xiaoxiao looked at her as she pointed.

There is only one strawberry cake in the glass cabinet.

Thinking of something, Mu Xiaoxiao started to smile.

At this time, someone said to the waiter, "I want a strawberry cake."

Han Qiqing jumped immediately, "I want this strawberry cake!"

"You didn't say you want it, I said it first." The guest said dissatisfied.

The waiter was awkward, "Two guests, the signature sign in our shop is cheese ..."

"I want strawberry cake!" Han Qiqing said firmly.

The guest did not flinch. "Anyway, I want this one first. I don't want anything else, just this one."

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly grabbed Han Qiqing, took a step back, and whispered in her ear, "Forget it, just let him."

It really is what people want first.

Han Qiqing said depressedly, "But you like strawberry cake ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao knew she was for herself, so she was moved, holding her hand and saying, "It doesn't matter, I like to eat something else."

The familiar scene just now reminded her of some things, and some others.

This made her feel that it didn't matter whether she had strawberry cake or not.

Han Qiqing thought about it and said to the waiter, "You ask the baker to make a strawberry cake for me. I want it all! Make it now!"

The waiter responded, "Okay, do it now, then ..."

"Just give it to him." Han Qiqing raised his chin generously.

The waiter was relieved and quickly packed the cake for the guest.

It takes about 20 minutes to make a cake.

So Han Qiqing and Mu Xiaoxiao sat in chairs in the shop and waited for some drinks.

"Well, little, what are you going to do for the Christmas ball gowns? Should you buy them or customize them?" Han Qiqing asked, biting a straw.

Mu Xiaoxiao also bite the straw and thought about it, "Yin Shaoxing bought some dresses for me before and kept them in the closet without wearing them ..."

Han Qiqing knew what she was thinking, and immediately vetoed, "No! Christmas ball, of course, we have to buy a new one. How about we buy sister clothes? Come on together, Dora wind!"

She was very excited when she thought, shaking with her fist.

Mu Xiaoxiao could not help but smile, "Yes, then we will buy the same model, different colors."

Han Qiqing suddenly pouted and said, "I'm afraid ... Yin Shaomin has already customized the dress for you. Needless to say, he will definitely make you a couple model. What will I do then? I can't wear something similar to you, right? That's so strange ... "

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