Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1872: Give him to me (3)

"Does the opening dance necessarily require you to come? Can't you choose someone else? What a ghost tradition!"

Mu Xiao was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Yin Shaojie didn't really think so, because he wouldn't let her be beside him.

His female partner can only be her.

Yin Shaojie thinks she needs to think calmly. It is best to think more and eat more vinegar based on this topic.

He looked out of the door and said to her, "I have a lot of work to do. You just stay here and think about it."

"Wait." Mu Xiaoxiao called to him suddenly, looking at him with big eyes like black grapes, as if there was a trace in his eyes.

"My dad called me last night, why didn't you tell me in the morning, and you went to school so early and didn't answer my call, did you ... intentionally?"

She suddenly realized that if it wasn't for her accidentally seeing her father's caller ID, she would have no idea that her father had called her.

If Yin Shaojie didn't say it, she would be in the dark today.

After waiting today, tomorrow is the 24th, she can't wait to return to the United States to spend Christmas Eve with her father.

Yin Shaojiu's black eyes were slightly stunned, "Do you know what you are talking about?"

This sentence has obvious allegations.

Mu Xiaoxiao bit her lip and couldn't help saying, "You just answer me, did you mean it? You want to delay time, right?"

With his usual domineering and cunning, he can absolutely do it.

"If you have already convicted me, what else can I say?" An anger rushed into my heart, and Yin Shaojiu turned and walked out.

"Yin Shaoxing!"

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted at him.

But Yin Shaoji never stopped, he opened the door and went out.

"Yin Shaoxing!" Mu Xiao panicked and chased out.

She knew that he was angry.

This time he was really angry.

Yin Shaojie stood at the door, glanced at the people who wanted to eavesdrop on gossip, and said calmly, "Keep on!

The members of the student union remained silent, all innocent expressions, and rushed into the conference room.

Mu Xiaoxiao chased out, "Yin Shaoxing, let's talk again."

Yin Shaoxing looked at Han Qiqing sitting on the sofa and said, "Qi Qing, you are the most free. You accompany Xiao to the airport and help her buy the earliest ticket to the United States."

This sentence is obviously an element of anger.

Han Qiqing looked up from his mobile phone, looked at him with a stupid look, and looked at Mu Xiaoxiao.

what's going on?

Mu Xiaoxiao's complexion was blue, and she was enraged.

What does he mean!

Yin Shaoyan's eyes narrowed, as if to say, isn't this what you want?

Mu Xiao was so mad that he didn't want to talk to him, and he got angry.

She walked over and held Han Qiqing's arm. "Go! Qiqing, let's go to the airport, I will fly to the United States now!"

Han Qiqing's face was aggressive, his eyes kept turning back and forth on the two men's faces.

What the **** is going on, who will analyze it with her?

The students in the student union were also surprised.

Are these two arguing?

"Let's go!" Mu Xiaoqiang pulled Han Qiqing hard, almost dragging her towards the stairs.

On the other side, Yin Shaoyan frowned at her back.

Just when everyone thought he would catch up, he turned around and said to the students, "Go in for a meeting!"

Everyone was a stunner again.

President, are you sure not to chase it out?

Maybe other students in Suntech didn't know the relationship between Yin Shaojiu and Mu Xiaoxiao, but the students in the Student Union were abused dogs too many times. It can be said that it is much clearer.

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