Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1877: How would he answer (4)

However, the student union building is the most sacred place in Suntech. Non-members of the student union cannot enter, so they are driven away and dare not say anything.

After clearing the outsiders, Yin Shaojiao turned his head and said to the members of the Student Union seriously, "What should be busy, what are you doing?"

After speaking, he took Mu Xiao's hand and went into the office.

Han Qiqing stood in place, hesitating whether to follow or not.

In the end, the office door closed, shutting her out.

The student union members looked at each other.

Someone asked cautiously, "Is this the case ... are they reconciled like this?"

The quarrel was apparently one second before, and the next second was reconciled.

This speed is too fast, right?

Another responded, "Should ... be reconciled, right?"

It is indeed their chairman, and they know how to seize the opportunity!

The original grumbling caused the two to fall into the Cold War. Why does it look like they have to be in the Cold War for ten days and a half months?

However, in an instant, the two were reconciled by the girl just now.

If someone else was still mad, maybe she agreed to the girl for a moment.

This will exacerbate the Cold War between the two.

But how smart they will grow up!

The crisis is turning.

What is high emotional intelligence?


Knock on the blackboard.

Boys are learning fast!

A girl couldn't help but sigh, "You can see from here, you really love Xiaoxiao ..."

This sentence was accepted by everyone.

"Do you need to say that? Which girlfriend have you seen the president brought to his office?"

But for Mu Xiaoxiao, Yin Shaoxu was indulgent in every possible way, and can even be said to be doting.

His office is forbidden to others, but Mu Xiaoxiao is free to enter and leave, and can stay inside alone.

In the past, members of the Student Union did not dare to think of such a situation.

Han Qiqing smiled and shook his head, with a look of ‘you have never seen the world’.

"What's this? Yin Shao's goodness to Xiao Xiao, you haven't even seen one percent."

Everyone's eyes lit up with gossip.

"Sister Qiqing, tell us about 99%?"

Han Qiqing hooked his lips and hummed to them, "Don't talk!"

Then he shook his head and walked away handsomely.

A figure ran up to her and almost knocked her over.

"Well? Didn't you say something's wrong? What's the situation now? Where is Primary Three? Where is it?"

Song Shijun arrived.

Han Qiqing gave him a white look. "How do I think you don't seem to be here to help, but more like to come to the theater?"

"While you help, watch the show by the way! Little one? How about you? Why don't you see anyone?" Song Shijun looked around and fell on the door of the office.

He was about to walk over and was stopped by Han Qiqing.

"They just reconciled, don't make trouble, walk around!" He dragged him away.

"Reconcile? They quarreled again? Why this time?"

What Han Qiqing thought of, his eyes moved slyly, "I can tell you, but if you want to listen to gossip, you have to pay a little gossip fee?"

"What gossip charges? Have you been short of money recently?" Song Shijun looked at her.

Han Qiqing smiled hesitantly and twitched his fingers.

Song Shijun put his head down.

The two here are communicating gossip fees.

On the other side, two people in the office, Yin Shaojiu, pulled Mu Xiaoxiao to the desk and suddenly pressed her on the table ...

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