Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1889: Did you agree? (4)

"What to do? What to do? What to do……"

A headache is dead!

After lying on my stomach for a while, my phone rang.

At first glance, it appeared that it was Yin Shao's name, and Mu Xiaoxiao immediately stood up.

"Well, I happen to be looking for you ..."

Yin Shaojie interrupted her and said, "I arranged for you at noon. You will come down now and someone will take you home. You can leave your luggage unpacked. Anyway, you have everything in the United States and you rest. Next, eat something and leave for the airport. "

Mu Xiaoxiao exclaimed, "A plane at noon? So early?"

She thought she would leave at night.

Yin Shaoji said, "Well, the car is already waiting for you downstairs. You go downstairs. I have something here, and I will come home to find you."

"Oh, okay." Mu Xiaoxiao said he would return home, subconsciously.

Then I remembered again, and said busyly, "No, we still have problems ..."

"Don't worry about anything. You just have to go back to the United States with confidence. Okay, let's go downstairs." Yin Shaojie's voice seemed to be magical, and it could easily calm people's hearts.

However, Mu Xiaoxiao was still vaguely uneasy.

She went downstairs and saw that Yin's car was waiting.

The driver saw her appear and opened the door respectfully.

Mu Xiaoxiao walked hesitantly and got in the car.

The car moved slowly and left the student union building.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked through the car window and looked at the student union building that was going away. I don't know why, what was growing in my heart.

After she left Suntech College.

It wasn't long before another amazing news broke out in school.

"Didn't the principal of No.1 Middle School come to our school? Do you know what it is for? You can't guess it!"

"It's still guessing? I want to know with my toes for the Christmas ball tomorrow night!"

"NONONO, this is only half, the other half of the inside story, you absolutely can't think of it! Well, let me tell you a little bit, it's related to Shao Shao."

"Related to Shao? What's the inside story? Hurry up!"

Below the post, a bunch of people begged the landlord to break the news quickly.

After the landlord pretended to be a bit disguised, he finally broke the news.

"The principal of No.1 Middle School proposed to choose a girl from No.1 to be the youngest companion of the young girl! Open the dance party with the young girl!"

The news broke out and immediately caused an uproar.

"Why! This principal is too shameless!"

"The principal of No.1 Middle School, my CNM, Shao is our Sunde. Why should you let the girls in No.1 be our young companion? Get out!"

"No, isn't Mu Xiaoxiao's female companion?"

"Haven't you read the previous post upstairs? Mu Xiaoxiao is arguing with Shao Shao, and she is going to the United States on Christmas Eve, so the position of Gao's girl companion is vacant."

Someone asked, "If you are unwilling, even if you are the principal of our school, there is nothing you can do with him?"

"That is to say, why did the principal of the middle school say what he said, and asked us if he agreed?"

"I won't agree with you, will you? You want to choose a girl from our school!"

Someone caught the key and urged, "Landlord, don't you just explode the half! What happened later? Did you agree?"

As long as it is Suntech, it is clear that in Suntech, Shao has greater rights than the principal.

The landlord sold a key, "Well ..."

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