Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1894: She is the youngest companion (1)

——Xiaoxiao, don't you know what's going on? Take a look at this post and you will know it after reading it. I don't know how to tell you. I'm going to be furious. If Yin Shaojiu is standing in front of me, I must strangle him! I don't know what he thinks.

——Yin Shaoyi What does this mean? You haven't left yet! He promised others to be his female partner!

——Fuck, we are still thinking silly how to solve this problem, who to find the opening dance with him, he is better, and promised others directly! Has he lost his head?

——Xiaoxiao, please ask him what's going on. I suspect Yin Shaojie is stupid!

Han Qiqing was clearly out of anger and crackled a bunch of words.

Behind each one are countless exclamation marks, as if this can reflect her indignant mood at this moment.

She was shocked when she heard the answer from the principal.

At the beginning, she was too convinced that Yin Shaojie would never do anything to make little sad.

Therefore, she was very determined that Yin Shaojie would never agree to the principal of No.1 Middle School.

However, the obtained answer crackled her in the face.

But she didn't care about being beaten!

It was the first to think of small.

How sad would it be if Little knew this?

Han Qiqing lingered for a while, feeling a bit illusory, wondering if he heard it wrong, or the principal said it wrong?

To confirm, she called the secretary of the principal's office.

Finding everyone who might know this, all got the same answer.

Han Qiqing finally had to accept this fact.

Yin Shaojie really promised the principal of a middle school!

She happened to be using WeChat and couldn't wait to cut out to make a call. She was afraid that she couldn't speak clearly on the phone, so she sent WeChat to Xiaoxiao.

On the other hand, she was also very entangled, should she tell Xiaoxiao.

Anyway, Xiao Xiao is going to leave. He doesn't tell Xiao Xiao, and Xiao Xiao never takes the initiative to go to the school forum, so he won't know.

But such a big thing, I do n’t tell Xiaoxiao, and I feel very inadequate.

So when she sent WeChat to Xiaoxiao, on the other hand, she also had a fluke mentality, thinking that Xiaoxiao could not see it, and it was God's will.

After he didn't know how many messages, Han Qiqing stopped.

She looked at Song Shijun anxiously, and asked, "What the **** is Yin Shaoxing thinking? Is he neurotic? Why should he promise such a thing?"

Song Shijun shook his head and shrugged, "You ask me, I don't know! But he should have his own considerations, so you don't have to worry too much."

Although he had such speculations before, he was a little surprised to learn the real results.

Because these people are very clear, how much Yin Shaojiu cares about Xiaoxiao, and he puts small feelings first.

So why would you agree to the principal of No.1 Middle School?

Just to give face?

Song Shijun felt that this possibility was remote.

With Yin Shaojie's personality, it is impossible to make a little sad for the sake of giving face to others.

At this time, even he couldn't figure out what Yin Shaoji was thinking.

Han Qiqing angrily wanted to lift the table. "Why not worry? How could you not worry! Little one knows, he will be very unhappy!"

Song Shijun held the table, afraid she would actually lift it.

How did this girl become more rude?

He said, "Since that's the case, don't let Xiaoxiao know. She's going to the United States anyway, right? Just keep it from her."

Han Qiqing shook his head, "No, you can't hide from Xiao, Xiao has the right to know!"

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