Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1899: Little knew what would happen (2)

"Where can Xiaoxiao go? Either in the apartment or returning to Yin's house."

Of course, it is also possible to stroll around.

Han Qiqing opened his eyes and said, "Then we have two separate roads? Go to Yin's house, I'll go to the apartment to find her!"

Song Shijun was about to run when she saw her, and hurriedly held her. "Wait! Don't hurry."

"How can you not be in a hurry! Xiaoxiao must be crying now!" Han Qiqing thought of poor Xiaoxiao, and he was stunned.

Xiaoxiao was still annoyed, who should find the opening dance with Yin Shaojiu.

Now I know that Yin Shaoxing agreed to let others choose a girl to be his dance partner.

And this candidate is most likely Jiang Ranxi!

Much more sad?

It will be sad!

Han Qiqing put this matter on himself, and he felt so angry, so sad, he felt betrayed.

She really didn't understand, what Yin Shaojie was thinking.

Why treat Xiaoxiao like this?

Song Shijun held her back and appeased, "You listen to me first, let's call Shaoyu first and ask him what's going on, it may not be what you think."

"Okay, I'll call, I'll see what he says!" Han Qiqing said, picking up his cell phone, and dialed Yin Shao's phone angrily.

The call is answered.

Han Qiqing asked with a voice, "Yin Shaoxing, I ask you, do you know where Xiaoxiao is now?"

Xiaoxiao is crying hiding somewhere, you know?

Do you know what you did to hurt her!

She waited for Yin Shaoji to answer that she didn't know where Xiaoxiao was, and she could scold him with her head and face covered.

Who knows, but heard Yin Shaoji said, "She's on the plane now."

Han Qiqing froze.

"On the plane? Little on the plane ... where is she going?"

"Back to the United States," Yin Shaoji answered.

Han Qiqing was stunned. "Return to the United States? Didn't she say that at night? Why did she suddenly go back? She didn't tell me at all!"

She thought it was impossible. If Xiaoxiao wanted to return to the United States, how could she not tell her?

Yin Shaoji said, "It was temporarily decided. She may have forgotten to tell you."

When he was gone, he regretted saying goodbye to him, and he couldn't bear to take a closer look at him.

"Impossible, how could Xiaoxiao forget to tell me." Han Qiqing still didn't believe it.

Obviously, Yin Shaoyi didn't want to say more. He turned his head to talk to others from time to time, and seemed a little busy.

"I have something to do with it."

"Wait!" Han Qiqing shouted at him, and asked babblely, "Did you agree to the proposal of the principal of a middle school?"

"That's right."

Han Qiqing was angry, "What is it? Yes! You know how worried I was just now, thinking that Xiao Xiao saw the WeChat I sent her and knew this, she was very sad, and she hid and cried. So she couldn't get through with her phone. "

"Did you tell her about this?" Yin Shaoyan frowned.

"Yes!" Han Qiqing said rightly, "Yin Shaoxin, are you crazy? How can you promise such a thing! Your dance partner can only be a little! Even if little is not there, you can't find other girls. , Have you considered a small mood? "

"I see. I'm fine. Hang up first."

Yin Shaojie hung up after speaking.

"Hey! Hey!" Han Qiqing looked at the phone in amazement.

Really hung up.

Yin Shaojie really hung up on her!

Han Qiqing couldn't believe it. When she questioned Yin Shaoji, Yin Shaoji hadn't answered her yet, so he hung up!

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