Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1909: Hao Shao reunited with her? (4)

She handed her phone to Song Shijun, "Let's take a look. Is this photo P?"

Everyone in the class was paying attention to this, and even the teacher raised his ears.

Song Shijun took the phone, stared at it for a while, then nodded and said, "It looks like it should be P, but it's in the original photo."

"What do you mean?" Han Qiqing said he didn't understand.

Song Shijun looked up and looked at her and said, "That is to say, there is indeed this photo, but only a small part of it."

Han Qiqing was blackened. "So, really, Shao Yin Yin hugged Jiang Ranxi?"

"You need to know this before asking."

Song Shijun said, returned her cell phone, took out her cell phone, and dialed Yin Shaojie.

The call is connected.

Song Shijun didn't meander, and asked this directly.

"Photo? A photo of me hugging her?" Yin Shaoyin's voice was slightly heavy, and it sounded unpleasant.

When Song Shijun heard it, he understood, "Well, it really is P."

Yin Shaoji said, "It should have been taken when she hit me, but I didn't hug her."

"So, just turn your hand P into a hug." Song Shijun analyzed.

Yin Shaoji asked, "Is it a post on the school forum?"

"Yes, this post is very hot. Only ten minutes have passed, and there have been thousands of replies, all saying that you broke up with Xiaoxiao and reunited with Jiang Ranxi." Song Shijun said with amusement.

Yin Shaojii said coldly, "It seems their work is still too little."

"Huh?" Song Shijun heard a hint of danger in his tone.

Yin Shaoji said, "Come to the Student Union and avoid it."

Avoid it?

What do you mean?

Song Shijun was puzzled, but no one answered him, and Yin Shaohang hung up after he said it.

Han Qiqing asked, "What did he say? The photo is really P? What happened to him and Jiang Ranxi?"

Song Shijun put down his phone, shrugged, and said with a smile, "Let's go to the student union first and avoid the limelight."

"Avoid shelter from the wind? What shelter from the wind?" Han Qiqing was puzzled.

Suddenly, someone whispered, "Well? What's going on? The post is gone! The forum can't go up!"

Han Qiqing took a look at his mobile phone.

Really, the posts are gone, and the forum is refreshed with a black screen.

Song Shijun smiled clearly, "Shaoyou hacked the forum."

Han Qiqing, "..."

"Let's go." Song Shijun pulled her up, signaled to the teacher, and left the classroom.

A few minutes later.

The teacher answered the phone and hurriedly left the classroom.

When I come back again, I hold a stack of test papers.

"Next, we will take the exam in the classroom. Everyone should be careful. The results of this exam are very important. They are related to your report."

The whole class was choked.

"Teacher, aren't you mistaken? It's half a class now!"

The teacher nodded, "Yes, so the test time is this half class, and the next class, a total of one and a half classes."

The class wailed.

"Teacher, tell me, this is not true!"

"Teacher, are you lying to us? Is it April Fool's Day?"

The gossip on the sidelines is very happy, and suddenly there is an exam, no one can accept it!

The teacher sighed, "Fate it!"

At this time, every classroom in the teaching building made the same wailing sound.

What they didn't know was that after they finished the exam, there was still a bunch of assignments waiting for them.

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