Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1935: I really want to go to your side (2)

Yin Shaojie's long fingers covered the keyboard, and she started typing quickly, and the code flashed on the screen.

Even if someone looks at it, I don't understand what it is.

After sending the news, Yin Shaojiu went to the forum post.

The news spread more and more. He also said that his operation failed, and he may be a vegetative.

He glanced at Yuan Yelin silently. "After being a vegetative, is there anything more serious?"

Yuan Yelin said, "Yes, it's dead."

Yin Shaojie glared. "Someone believed this? There is no evidence of a photo."

He expressed concern about the IQ of Suntech students.

Yuan Yelin said with a smile, "This is about grasping people's psychology. Most people have the attitude of looking at gossip. It is not about themselves, so they will easily believe these rumors, and those who care about you will care It ’s messy, although there will be questions, but if you do n’t show up, your credibility will increase greatly. "

Yin Shao said to him, "More than that?"

Yuan Yelin said, "Of course, I also arranged a navy to drive the direction of public opinion, and some questioners will become convinced because of it."

Yin Shaojie does not blame Sunde students for their low IQ this time.

In this, the biggest factor is himself.

Just because he disappeared, public opinion will spread more and more, and more and more people will believe it.

At this time, a line of English flashed on the computer screen.

Yin Shao glanced down and looked up at Yuan Yelin.

He turned the computer over so that Yuan Yelin could see this line of English.

"You won," he said.

The above is Caroline's reply, she said that she would like to see Yuan Yelin.

Yuan Yelin looked at the computer screen as if to see through it.

His eyes remained motionless, making people unable to see his emotions.

Yin Shaojiu ignored his reaction, turned the computer screen back, and tapped his finger on it.

at the same time.

Mu Xiaoxiao, who is in the United States, rang her cell phone, and there was a strange number on it.

The number is a bit strange, not a mobile number.

She hesitated and still answered.

As soon as the word "hello" was spoken, the familiar voice was heard.

"Little, it's me."

Mu Xiaoxiao froze, as if he suspected he was hallucinating, and said, "Well ... is it really you?"

Over there, Yin Shaojie was very distressed.

"It's really me. Don't worry about it. I have nothing at all. Okay."

And now it ’s about to fly over to the United States, and it will soon appear in front of you.

Yin Shaojii originally wanted to say it, and then thought about it, keep a secret first, and then give her a surprise.

Mu Xiaoxiao relaxed and said with a choked voice, "You're all right ... You're all right, I'm almost scared to death, are you really all right? Is the car accident fake? Then you are now where?"

"The car accident is real, but I'm fine. I met Yuan Yelin." Yin Shaoji explained that this was not intended to hide from her.

Mu Xiaoxiao was surprised for a moment, "Yuan Yelin? How could he ... did he treat you?"

"It's okay, shouldn't I call you well? I'm afraid you'll worry." Yin Shaoji said to the computer. He made an Internet call. Because he was at a high altitude, the signal was not stable and intermittent.

"Hello? What did you just say?" Mu Xiaoxiao didn't hear clearly. Suspecting that there was something wrong with her signal, she ran to the side and wanted to find a good signal.

"I'm okay, don't worry about it." Yin Shaoxing comforted her.

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