Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1940: Watch her out (3)

"Wow, there's a buffet! It's a lot, it looks delicious."

"There are actually five-star chefs cooking on-site, this is too exaggerated, right? What should I do, my saliva will flow out."

"Oh my God, is this the aristocratic college? I feel like I'm in an idol drama."

After the students of No.1 Middle School entered the stadium, they were all stunned.

They looked like little sparrows who hadn't seen the world, stunned.

Jiang Ranxi had attended last year. She listened to the whispers of other classmates, but felt a little embarrassed.

But when she looked at it, she was startled by the scene in front of her.

Last year's Christmas ball was already gorgeous, this year's even more ...

Suntech College tells everyone with its solid strength what aristocracy is.

Jiang Ranxi pinched the skirt corner of her cottage dress.

She wants to make herself more confident, but she can look ahead. Sunde's girls basically wear brand-name goods, Chanel, Dior, Givenchy, etc., all the luxury brands she knows.

It may be a psychological effect. She knew that the dress on her body was plagiarized. She was afraid to be seen and she trembled when she walked.

In contrast, a large part of the girls in a middle school do not understand brand names or anything, so they don't expect to compare.

The gorgeousness of the ballroom was enough to keep them busy.

Jiang Ranxi searched for the figure of Yin Shaoji.

Since he's okay, then everything should be the same, right?

She is still his dance partner.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ranxi became confident again.

What about wearing a cottage dress?

When people present saw her wearing a couple's style with Shao Shao, everyone would only be envious, and would never think that her dress was a fake.

However, she didn't find Yin Shaojie after looking around.

I also heard a lot of discussions from Suntech people, and Yin Shaozhen may not attend the ball.

"I heard that Xiao Shao went to the United States to find Mu Xiaoxiao, so he would miss the ball."

"Really fake? It seems that Xiao Shao really admires Xiaoxiao, and he just leaves the ball for her."

"It turns out that Xiao Shao is such an affectionate person, so envious of Xiao Xiao!"

Jiang Ranxi stood in front of these people, listening and listening, his face turned blue.

Is it true that Shao Shao really left the ball and went to the United States to find Mu Xiaoxiao?

no, I can not!

Jiang Ranxi was unwilling to accept this speculation.

She also heard the girls mention her name and said a lot of bad things to her.

Jiang Ran was so angry that his face was purple.

She turned back suddenly, staring at the girls.

"You wait, Xiao Shao appears soon." Jiang Ranxiang said with a chin.

The girl in the middle said with a sneer, "Jiang Ranxi, you are a clown jumping clown, do you know? Do you know how much you like Mu Xiaoxiao? Do you know how much you do for Mu Xiaoxiao? What do you think Something! Can it be compared to Mu Xiaoxiao? "

"Why can't I compare to her?" Jiang Ranxi retorted, arrogantly unconvinced.

Although she is not as powerful as Han Qiqing's family, but her family is the first scholarship, but what about Mu Xiaoxiao? Have you heard of Mu Family in the giants? Absolutely not!

Jiang Ranxi feels that Mu Xiaoxiao comes from a small rich family.

The other girls yelled at her, "You can't compare to Mu Xiaoli in your whole body!"

"You ..." Jiang Ran was anxious and wanted to scold him back, but at this time, someone from the Student Union came to her and told her that the dance had begun, and let her prepare.

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