Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1949: Power of the Mu Family (4)

It turned out that their aircraft encountered a sudden storm of thunderclouds. Under the last resort, the captain made an amazing decision and went straight through.

Among them, the signal was disturbed, so they fell into a state of disconnection.

Fortunately, the pilot hired by Yuan Yelin was an old driver.

Although the bumps were unknown for some time, they passed through the dangerous thundercloud area smoothly.

Seeing the blue sky and white clouds again, the people on the plane were relieved, knowing that their lives had been saved.

The experience just was so thrilling that no one wanted to remember it again.

But just out of danger, they face a new crisis.

The captain looked at Yuan Yelin seriously and said, "Boss, because of the lightning strike, the wing was damaged to some extent. We had better land quickly, otherwise ... I don't know how long it will last.

The previous violent bump caused Yuan Yelin's forehead to hit a piece, and his face was frosty, thinking silently.

"Are you connected to the console? Ask for emergency rescue."

The captain said, "The communication system is restarting. I can only try it."

However, he is not very hopeful.

This is country M. Country M is the boss of the world. It is arrogant towards other countries, especially to country R. As we all know, country R holds the thigh of country M, so country M ’s attitude towards country R Whatever you want.

Rescue will be there, but they have lost contact. Party M will suspect that the plane has been hijacked by terrorists, and at least a meticulous investigation will be conducted. It is difficult to say where they will land.

After they land, they may be arrested and interrogated.

The captain sighed and felt tired.

At this time, the deputy captain said excitedly, "The console contacted us proactively and said that it would give us a dedicated channel so that we could land immediately."

"Land right away?" The captain suspected he had heard it wrong.

"Yes, you can land immediately!"

"But ... we are still a long way from NY airport ..."

So, where did M let them land?

The captain looked at Yuan Yelin uneasily.

Yin Shaojie on the side squeezed her brows and walked back to the cabin to sit down.

Will M be so friendly?

He all feel fantasy!

The captain was stunned when he knew where he descended, his voice seemed dumb and he couldn't speak for a long time.

Among the people's fears, the plane landed smoothly on the empty airport.

This is ... the military airport of country M.

The captain trembled the underground machine. He could already have anticipated that he would be arrested and tortured and interrogated.

Yin Shaojiu and Yuan Yelin also disembarked.

What is waiting for them?

"Oh!" A crisp, sweet voice cut through the heavy air.

Yin Shao paused, as soon as he stepped on the ground, he saw a beautiful little figure running towards himself.

Mu Xiaoxiao flew into his arms like a lightning and hugged him tightly.

"Are you all right? Are you hurt? Well, you scared me!"

Yin Shaojiu tightened his arms subconsciously, feeling dreamy.

"How will you be here?"

Yuan Yelin's eyes sank, and he looked at Mu Xiaoxiao inconceivably.

This is the military land of country M?

How could she appear here!

He also noticed that a man who was behind Mu Xiaoxiao had similar features to her, which should be her father.

And there was an officer standing beside the man, and the rank of his body made Yuan Yelin dazzle.

His sight fell on Mu Xiaoxiao again.

Who is she ...?

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