Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1994: Grand Proposal (1)

Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed his arm and said, "I thought ... you would want to find a quiet place, and two people would stay."

Unexpectedly, he came instead to Times Square with the most people.

Because parking is not available next to Times Square, they stopped nearby and walked over.

Right now is the busiest time.

The shops around are decorated in a Christmas atmosphere.

The sky was still fluffy with snowflakes.

Mu Xiaoxiao held her head up and felt the snowflakes falling on her cheeks, her white face like rouge, which was rudder than usual.

Yin Shao snorted, and her big hand covered her head.

"Isn't it cold?" He stared at her red cheek.

Mu Xiaoxiao laughed, clasped his arms, the petite figure was nestled in his arms.

"Okay, aren't you there? You are so warm, like a big stove."

Yin Shaojiao's long arms tightened her, letting her body temperature iron her.

Slowly arrived at Times Square.

There is a big Christmas tree at the door of the mall next to it, and the top of the tree is covered with some snow.

Mu Xiaoxiao remembered Qi Qing's instructions, took some photos and videos, and sent them to Qi Qing.

Qi Qing did not reply, it should be asleep.

Mu Xiaoxiao put away her mobile phone and asked Yin Shaoji, "What are we doing here?"

Shopping? watch movie?

This ordinary way of dating, she thinks Yin Shaojie won't do it.

Yin Shaojie nodded the tip of her nose with her fingers, "Guess?"

Mu Xiaoxiao beaked his mouth and shook his head. "I can't guess, you tell me, don't always hang on!"

Her small heart was beating heartily, she couldn't help remembering the surprise he had prepared for her during her birthday in country R.

Could it be ... Qiqing, are they here in the United States?

But thinking about it, I thought it was impossible.

Qi Qing only sent her a video of the school Christmas party before, and the time just passed a few hours. It was impossible to fly to the United States so fast.

What the **** is this guy selling?

Mu Xiaoxiao narrowed his eyes suspiciously and stared at Yin Shaoji.

Yin Shaojiu chuckled his lips and smiled, "Why do you look at me like that? Don't think about it that much, I just think it's the most lively here. I heard that there are some activities tonight, so I brought you here and felt the Christmas atmosphere together, you little head. What did you think about? "

Every year at Christmas or Halloween, there are some special events here in Times Square. Mu Xiaoxiao has participated in it once or twice, so I know.

After he said that, she had no doubt.

"What is this year?" She asked.

Yin Shaojiao shook her head, "I don't know, so I brought you over, no matter what the event, we just live together."

He took her hand and walked to the middle of Times Square.

Mu Xiaoxiao looked around, "Where is the event?"

There are many people coming and going in Times Square. There are intimate couples and some people in the family. The same is that everyone has a bright smile on his face.

Yin Shaoyi pretended not to know, "I don't know either, let's find it together."

Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but whisper him, "You didn't know anything and brought me!"

Yin Shaojie smiled and said, "You are more familiar in the United States. You do n’t end up with the friendship of the landlords. Blame me?"

A gust of cold wind passed along with snow, Mu Xiaoxiao shrank his neck.

"Cold?" Yin Shaoji asked, preparing to take off her coat and give it to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao quickly stopped him, "Don't take it off! I'm not cold, you dress it yourself, what if you get cold? Your own body is still not comfortable."

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