Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 1996: Grand Proposal (3)

The crowd, whether children or adults, was infected by this joyous atmosphere. Many people could not help but twisted around as if joining the carnival.

Mu Xiaoxiao especially likes this joyful feeling.

It's a pity that she's not available right now. She's going to find Yin Shaoji.

What is this Shao Yin doing?

Suddenly he disappeared.

She knew what he must have been playing with, and was she deliberately worrying her? Then suddenly jump out and scare her?

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, feeling Yin Shaoyu this naive guy.

It was just that she had just turned to leave.

Suddenly a handsome guy rushed over, a kneeling glide and slid in front of her.

This sudden scene made others scream and exclaim.

Mu Xiaoxiao froze and looked at the handsome guy kneeling in front of him stupidly.

The handsome guy smiled slightly, and somehow turned out a pink rose, and passed it to her.

"Yoyoyoyo——" the crowd yelled excitedly.

Mu Xiaoxiao is a little confused, what does this mean? Was she selected?

She didn't know if she could pick it up.

Thinking of Yin Shaojiu's vinegar pot, she felt better not to pick it up.

"Thank you, I have a boyfriend, so I can't accept other men's flowers." She waved and said.

However, the handsome man stood up and forced pink roses into her hands.

"Hey--" Mu Xiaoxiao couldn't help crying.

Applause rang out.

The handsome guy had just left and another dancer stepped forward.

This time it was a girl, with a graceful figure, coming towards Chaomu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao wondered if she wanted to avoid, then the girl stopped in front of her.

It was obvious that the girl had nothing in her hand and suddenly did not know where a flower had changed.

Pink rose again!

The girl handed it to Mu Xiaoxiao, who hesitated and took it over.

The girl smiled at her and stepped back.

The next one was a child holding a pink rose in her hand, smiling sweetly, and passing the rose to her.

Mu Xiaoxiao took it and smiled sweetly, "Thank you."

Suspicious, she looked around from side to side, as if looking for Yin Shaojiu.

This ... shouldn't it be the surprise that Yin Shaojiu prepared for her?

Mu Xiaoxiao is not stupid. When she sees a pink rose, she naturally guesses it.

Rejoicing, she held the three roses in her hand and smelled them under her nose.

So fragrant ~

The three roses represent the flower language: I love you.

As if I heard Yin Shao's confession, Mu Xiaoxiao's smile grew brighter and sweeter.

"Hey—Yin Shaoxing, come out!" She shouted around.

All the surprises are gone, why can't he come out?

However, she guessed wrong.

The surprise has just begun!

The music has changed.

Mu Xiaoxiao heard this prelude and felt a little familiar. The music seemed to be heard, but she couldn't remember it.

And the crowd of onlookers heard it, as if they realized what was going on, and made an excitement.

"It \ 'sabeautifulnight ..."

Until the lyrics sounded, Mu Xiaoxiao didn't recognize it.

This song is called "MarryYou" and it is a song that is popular all over the world for a proposal video.

This intention is too obvious!

No matter how stupid, everyone understands what Yin Shaoji wants to do.

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes full of surprise, excitedly stunned.

A dance group of hundreds of people was dancing towards her.

When singing: "Don \ 'tsaynonononono (don't say no no no no no) ..."

They shook their fingers at her.

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