Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2011: Don't look good and laugh (2)

Mu Xiaoxiao stepped forward, took his hand, and took him to the bed.

"You sleep here."

Then, I wanted to help him up.

Yin Shaojie broke away her hand and said helplessly, "I can get on my own, can you stop treating me as a three-year-old?"

"No, I just want to take care of you, wouldn't that work?"

Mu Xiaoxiao's attitude suddenly became overbearing, he helped him to bed hard, and let him lie down.

She will also cover him.

"Yin is three years old, you have to be obedient, be good, you know?" She patted his head.

Yin Shaojie, "..."

This girl is getting more and more excessive.

Mu Xiaoxiao climbed to the other side of the bed, "OK, sleep!"

Turning off the lights, the room was dark.

Just looking towards the balcony, you can see the dark night, the night wind blows over the Buddha, and there are tree shadows swaying.

Mu Xiaoxiao suddenly sat up suddenly, stunned and ran to the balcony.

Pull—Close the curtains.

The room was so dark that he could not reach his fingers.

She paused, thinking, she couldn't see it this way.

Mingming had just almost jumped over, and now she was going back, because she couldn't see it, so she was a little scared, her hands fumbling in front.

Moving forward slowly, finally touching the end of the bed.

She climbed up and remembered that Yin Shaojie was sleeping here.

After thinking about it, and too lazy to get out of bed and walk to the other side, he stepped away and wanted to step over from him.

"What do you want to do?" In the darkness, Yin Shaoyu's deep voice seemed more magnetic, like a subwoofer ringing in his ear.


She wanted to explain that she just wanted to get over, and whoever knew it slipped, the whole person stuck to him.

Mu Xiaoxiao, "..."

Yin Shaojie held her head behind her head, facing her.

Fearful of being stuffy, the gauze on his eyes had been removed.

Obviously he couldn't see her, but he faced each other face to face, even in the dark, as if he could feel the other person's sight.

Mu Xiaoxiao coughed awkwardly.

"That one……"

She wanted to get up, who knew that Yin Shao's big hand suddenly pinched her back and made her unable to walk.

"You want to sneak in on me?" He smiled in his voice.

"No!" Mu Xiaoxiao quickly denied that she was struggling to get up.

"Don't move, just lie down for a while." Yin Shaoyu stopped her with a voice.

Mu Xiaoxiao moved a moment, stopped, stopped.

Yin Shaojie's big hand was stroking her back, and she patted her, "Let down."

Mu Xiaoxiao obediently did it, lying on his chest.

Her ears were right against his heart.

Uh ...

The sound of a strong heartbeat was so clear.

Yin Shaojiu rubbed her little head, but unfortunately he could not see it in the dark, and his eyes were full of affection.

This silly girl ...

My heart is incredibly warm.

Mu Xiaoxiao was lying on his stomach for a while, ironing his temperature, listening to the frequency of his heartbeat, and drowsily unknowingly.

Two little hands surrounded him subconsciously.

Yin Shaoji touched her face and rubbed her delicate cheeks with her fingers.

What did Mu Xiaoxiao feel, like a cat, proactively put his face in his hand and froze.

Yin Shaoji realized that she wanted to sleep, so she did not noisy her, nor did she wake her up, letting her lie on him all the time.

Until he felt a little hesitant, he slowly turned over and put her on the bed.

Touched the quilt and pulled it to her chest.

His thin lips fell a soft kiss on her cheek.

"good night."

Mu Xiaoxiao, who was asleep, used to look for his breath, moved towards him, and held him close.

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