Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2041: Lost him (4)

"Ah! Dad is moving ... he seems to be in the car, watching the route, as if he is going back to the company."

So they've been alive for nothing?

Mu Xiaoxiao is so depressed.

It took them more than half an hour to come to the restaurant. They just met the flies girl and it took some time, so Dad should have left after dinner.

And look at my father's positioning, it was not long before he left.

In other words, if it wasn't for the flies girl who just met, she would not miss her father.

"Blamed the fly!"

Mu Xiaoxiao was furious.

Yin Shaojie rubbed her little head and comforted her, "Well, that's all the case anyway, let's go back."

"Oh ..." Mu Xiaoxiao looked unhappy.

Yin Shaoji said, "Otherwise, eat something here and go back? Strawberry cake?"

Eat something she likes and this girl will be happy.

Mu Xiaoxiao shook his head, "No more food, let's go back."

This trip came out to see the woman, but I could n’t see her. She did n’t want to stay anymore.

What will happen.

"Okay." Yin Shaojie nodded when she heard that she was in a bad mood.

The two walked towards the entrance of the restaurant, passing by the place just now, and found that the fly girl was gone.

The former waiter met Mu Xiaoxiao and greeted her, thanked her, and said that if he dine here, he could use her staff discount to help her discount.

Mu Xiaoxiao refused with a smile, "No, we are going back."

The waiter looked regretful and sent them out.

She looked around and saw that the driver parked the car a little far away because the other cars were taken up by the nearby positions.

She took Yin Shaojiao's hand and walked over.

Inadvertently, I saw the girl who was not far ahead, was holding a woman, and said something angrily.

Obviously talking about just getting angry.

Mu Xiaoxiao wanted to take her eyes back, and the woman next to her turned her head, revealing her half-face, holding her shoulders, and lowering her head to comfort her.

Mu Xiaoxiao's footsteps suddenly stopped, and the whole portrait was frozen.

Her eyes were wide so wide that she couldn't believe the side of the woman's face.


Yin Shaoji heard her murmur and her shaking hands, and asked, "What's wrong?"

At this moment, the girl and the woman turned into the corner of the high-rise building, and the figures disappeared.

Mu Xiaoxiao panicked and quickly caught up.



She walked faster and faster, afraid that the woman would disappear and ran straight.

There were people coming and going, and some were almost hit by her.

Turning around the corner, the girls and women came into view again.

They are about to get in the car.

Mu Xiaoxiao shouted anxiously at them.

The woman turned her head, her face facing Mu Xiaoxiao.

Mu Xiaoxiao's feet almost softened, and his eyes were wet for a moment, and tears rang, his voice choked, "Mom ..."

That's right, that's mom's face.

She definitely did not admit it.

That's her mother's face!

However, as soon as the girl saw her, she hurriedly pulled the woman into the car, and the car drove away.

Mu Xiaoxiao desperately wanted to chase, but could not catch up with the car.

"Mommy mommy!"

She cried like an abandoned child.

Mu Xiaoxiao paused for a while before returning to God, looking around.


People were coming and going around her, but she couldn't see Yin Shaojie.

She ... lost her?

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