Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2048: She will not object (3)

Mu Xiaoxiao didn't dare to see it, but he went to see it with a probe.

The truth is always particularly cruel.

The person sitting opposite Shen Meiling was indeed Mu Zhengbai.

Mu Xiaoxiao felt that his temples were a little painful. "How could this be ..."

In fact, it was also expected that Shen Meiling looked so much like her mother, and her father saw that Shen Meiling could not be indifferent.

Yin Shaoji heard the answer from her voice, so he didn't ask.

He turned to Nemo and said, "Okay, you can go now."

Nemo protested, "Did you really cross the river to tear down the bridge? If you use me up, just let me go. It's too impersonal! I won't go. I'm just full and I'm a little sleepy. Let me rest in a guest room."

"Give you a head! Hurry away, lest my father-in-law come back to see you, hurry up." Yin Shaojiao usually waved at him.

Nemo waved his lips. "What about seeing me? I'm not invisible."

"Are you sure you can see people?" Yin Shao asked you coldly.

Nemo snorted. "You're ruthless! Just go."

Yin Shaoji said, "I won't give it away."

Nemo gave him a fool gesture.

Mu Xiaoxiao was a little embarrassed and wanted to get up to send Nemo, but was stopped by Yin Shaojiu.

"It's okay, he's not angry."

But suddenly he thought of something and called Nemo out loud. "Wait."

Nimoon said with his chin, "Why? I tell you, I've already left, and I won't look back anymore, even if you ask me to stay now ..."

Yin Shaoxing interrupted him, "I just want to ask you about Caroline."

Nemo swears, but tells him.

"The guy who shot him stayed in the hospital for one night and was discharged from the hospital. Caroline's fool was tricked into the guy's hotel and stayed with him. He talked hard and said he would take care of his recovery. When the man returns to Country R, ​​she won't care. Huh, women are idiots! "

In the last sentence, Mu Xiaoxiao was dissatisfied, "Hey, what do you say!"

Nemo poked his lips and said, "I'm not saying you, I'm saying Caroline is a fool."

Mu Xiaoxiao snorted at him.

After all, it was their friend's business. She didn't know that Caroline, so it was difficult for her to comment.

Yin Shaoyi groaned and said, "I always think that the assassination is not that simple. If you have time, help stare at Caroline. I'm afraid she will have another accident."

"That's what she deserves! I just escaped from the man, and now I'm in the tiger's mouth again, I can't persuade it. I don't care about her anymore, I'm not busy, very busy!" Just left.

Yin Shaoji knew that he was right and wrong, "Remember to tell me anything."

"No matter what!"

Nemo had already reached the door and threw a knock on the door.

Then came the sound of going downstairs.

Yin Shaojie chuckled.

Mu Xiaoxiao sat next to him, tilted his head, and leaned on his shoulder, "Well ... I don't know why, I was very upset ..."

"It's okay. I'm here."

Yin Shaojiu lowered her head, and her thin lips found her cheek, and pressed her gently.

Listening to his words, Mu Xiaoxiao seemed to feel much relaxed in his heart.


There he is.

No matter what the big day, he will help himself to relieve his troubles.

Mu Xiaoxiao was annoyed while playing with his fingers. "You said, when Dad comes back, shall I spread out and ask him directly? But ... let him know that I follow him, will he be angry?"

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