Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2051: She will always be the treasure on his apex (2)

If Mu Zhengbai knew that the two had broken that line long ago and had had an intimate relationship, I wonder what the expression would be?

Mu Xiaoxiao stretched out, as if sleepy.

"Dad, I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep, can I talk about it tomorrow?"

Huh, she's still angry.

How could her little expression trick him? Mu Zhengbai knew at first sight that she was posing.

Does this girl know what he wants to say to her?

He said straightforwardly, "Go to sleep if you are sleepy, or go to bed early, don't bother and let him rest well."

Mu Xiaoxiao waited for him to find that he was angry, and then confessed to himself.

Who knew that he really let himself go to sleep, and had no intention of confession.

Smelly dad!

Mu Xiaoqiang bulged his cheeks.

"Then I'll go to bed! Good night!"

"good night."

Mu Zhengbai watched Xiaoxiao enter the bedroom, and threw a knock on the door, making a loud noise.

He shook his head and turned to look at Yin Shaoxing, telling him, "Shaomin, drink a patch of medicine and go to sleep. I'll let the rest be cooked and rest early after drinking."

Yin Shao bowed his head and said good night to him.

He returned to the guest room. He didn't want to turn on the lights. He couldn't see it anyway, but after thinking about it, he turned on the power.

Before waiting for two minutes, Mu Zhengbai's front foot had just returned to the bedroom, and Mu Xiaoxiao sneaked into Yin Shao's room.

"Dad is mad at me!" She stomped into the room and went to complain in front of Yin Shaoji.

Yin Shaojie chuckled and reached out to pull her.

Mu Xiaoxiao saw his hand and greeted him, holding his hand.

"Well, what do you mean, what does dad mean? I asked him so clearly. He went to see the woman today, but he kept it from telling me, so bad!"

Yin Shaoyi's big hand wrapped her little hand and played with it.

He asked, "When did you ask the obvious question?"

Mu Xiaoxiao er, "I'm just asking ... very clearly! It was Dad's guilty conscience that he didn't want to tell me."

"You." Yin Shaojie reached out and struck her forehead. "It's your own imagination. I told you that men and women think differently, so you don't ask directly, he can't guess you at all What do you mean. "

Why do women always like men to guess what she is thinking?

Unable to guess, she was sulking there.

Mu Xiaoxiaobian flattened his mouth. "No, even if I don't say it, Dad can always guess what I'm thinking. Dad always knows my heart ..."

But now, there are other women in Dad's heart.

It must be because her father's mind is not on her, so he can't guess what she is thinking.

Mu Xiaoxiao thinks that's it!

Yin Shaoyi knocked her forehead again with her knuckles. "Why do you women like people to guess your mind so much? Is it bad to say it directly? How tired is guessing?"

Even if he knew he knew her very well, he wouldn't dare to say that she could guess her mind 100%.

Mu Xiaoxiao thought and said, "Because of this, you can reflect that you have me in your heart."

Only to show how much you care about me.

Yin Shaoji laughed bitterly, took her little hand, and pressed it to his heart.

"Listen to yourself."

Mu Xiaoxiao was puzzled, "What?"

Under the palm of his hand, was his strong heartbeat.

Uh, uh ...

But she didn't understand what he meant.

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