Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2060: Dedicated shameless (3)

"You child! Stop talking." Shen Meiling poked her finger on her forehead and shoved her.

Shen Chuchu said earnestly, "I'm not kidding! Anyway, my parents have many children, and it's okay to pass me on to you, and don't you hurt me since you were a kid?"

Thinking that her aunt would marry Mu Zhengbai in the future, Shen Chuchu was even more eager to adopt herself to Shen Meiling.

That way, she can be a magnificent lady.

The more she thought, the more she rejoiced. Shen Chuchu took Shen Meiling's hand and said, "Aunt, are you okay?"

Shen Meiling sighed and said, "Don't think so much, Mr. Mu and I ... impossible. He still remembers his wife in his heart."

Shen Chuchu said, "This is all right! Isn't his wife dead? You look so much like his wife, he is more likely to look after you. I see, Uncle Mu already likes you."

Shen Meiling shook her head. "No, he just ... misses his wife, he won't like me ..."

Realizing that her emotions were exposed, Shen Meiling converged.

She said to Shen Chuchu seriously, "This kind of words can't be spoken in the presence of Mr. Mu, have you heard?"

"Oh." Shen Chuchu replied perfunctoryly, already thinking in his head, how to make up for aunt and uncle Mu.

She could see that her aunt liked Mu Zhengbai.

Not surprisingly, a charming mature man like Mu Zhengbai has a strong family background, a successful career, and a steady and considerate attitude. More importantly, his affection is so deep that his wife still remembers so many years after his death.

Which woman doesn't like a man like this?

Shen Chuchu had a good relationship with Shen Meiling since he was a child. He knew that Shen Meiling had never been married because of high requirements and did not meet the man he liked.

Now it is rare to meet such a good man as Mu Zhengbai. Of course, she has to help her aunt catch up.

Shen Chuchu thought about his chin.

It happened that my aunt looked like Mu Zhengbai's dead wife, which could be used.

"Aunt, I saw your makeup like that yesterday. I almost didn't recognize you. Did you make up like his wife? How did he react?"

Shen Meiling recalled something, her eyes fluctuated, "He ..."

She pursed her lips without saying a word.

At first glance, Shen Chu knew what was happening, and smiled ambiguous, "Did he treat you as his wife? Did he kiss you?"

"What did you say!" Shen Meiling blushed.

Shen Chuchu smiled, teased at her, "Is there?"

Shen Meiling shook her head and said, "No, but he ... looked at my eyes, a little different."

Strictly speaking, Mu Zhengbai is not looking at her, but through her, looking at his wife.

Shen Meiling was a little surprised.

She does not deny that she is enthusiastic about Mu Zhengbai.

But she also knew very well that she and Mu Zhengbai were impossible.

Mu Zhengbai had only his wife in his heart, and with his baby daughter, he couldn't hold anyone else.

What Shen Chuchu was still talking about, Shen Meiling just felt a headache.

"Okay, I'm a bit tired. Let's go to rest first."

At this point, the other side.

Mu Xiaoxiao returned to the room carrying breakfast, and saw Yin Shaojiao coming out of the bathroom.

"Are the guests here?" Yin Shaojie recognized her location and walked towards her.

Mu Xiao's novel, "Did you hear? Yeah, who do you guess? You must not guess!"

Yin Shaoxing's handsome eyebrows moved.

"Since I can't guess, you can publish the answer directly."

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