Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2065: Find a way to hook up with Yin Shaoyu (4)

The person on the cellphone urged her, "Miss, could you hurry up?"

"I don't know where I am!" Shen Chuchu was so angry that he took out this man directly.

"Neuropathy!" The other side cursed and cut off.

Shen Chu's face became so angry that he became angry.

Fortunately, there is still a little bit of reason. She clicked into WeChat and sent her position to her current boyfriend.

"I'm so mad, come over and pick me up!"

She made a snoring voice.

However, her boyfriend said, "Your place is too far. I won't go. You call the car yourself."

Shen Chuchu was angry at first, but his rejection was so angry.

"What's far? How could it be far away, you don't want to come to pick me up?"

Her boyfriend said, "Let's see where you are, isn't that far? It takes me two hours to drive and four hours to go back and forth."

"What?" Shen Chuchu froze.

Her boyfriend said impatiently, "Don't you say you're already on your way? This is called over? It's that far! We're not waiting for you."

Shen Chuchu clicked into his position and was shocked to find that he was actually in the suburbs.

She felt weird, how could there be a sense of desertion.

It turned out to be in the suburbs!

She hurried to call the taxi company again, but she said the address, but the other party was too remote and unwilling to come over.

"If you don't add money, if you don't add money, no driver is willing to pass."

"How much to add?" Shen Chuchu asked.


Shen Chuchu angered, "Are you grabbing money? So expensive!"

The other person said coolly, "Just don't worry about it."

"So what do I do?" Shen Chuchu asked anxiously.

"If you don't have the money to take a car, just walk on your own!"

The other party hung up after speaking.

There are only beeping echoes left in the phone.

Shen Chuchu froze in place.

There didn't seem to be a taxi here, she could only walk except calling for a taxi.

But calling a car is so expensive ...

She called her boyfriend again, but her boyfriend didn't want to come.

She simply complained to her boyfriend that the car was too expensive and she had no money.

"Money, money, what else can you have in your head besides money? I ask for money for everything I buy, and I am not your cash machine." The boyfriend was angry.

"Whether you give it or not?" Shen Chuchu's tone was also bad.

"No! Let's break up, I'm tired of you anyway." The boyfriend said this sentence coldly, and then hung up.

Shen Chuchu solidified in general.

what did he say?

Break up?

Why did you suddenly say break up?

This is the richest one among her boyfriends, so she feels like she's spending a lot of money, asking him for money for everything she buys, and she also takes it for granted.

Shen Chuchu felt that he was just talking for a moment, and then called again.

I want to be coquettish with him and explain that he is not for his money.

But the other party did not answer.

Hit again, this time she was blacklisted.

Shen Chuchu's face was dark.

What's so amazing!

Do you think she can't find anything better than him?

She immediately thought of Yin Shaoji.

Yin Shaojie is not only handsomer than her boyfriend, but also richer than her boyfriend.

As long as she finds a way to hook up to Yin Shaoji ...

Shen Chuchu imagined that she would bring Yin Shaoyu in front of her boyfriend. Her boyfriend would be furious and would regret breaking up with her when she was compared.

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