Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2070: Willingness (1)

A dark shadow sneaked into the room.

Hearing the sound in the bathroom, he greeted him.

Reach out and open the door ...

Yin Shaoyi moved his ears and pulled down the clothes he was wearing. He turned back and called tentatively, "Little?"

There seemed to be a breathless sound in the vagueness.

"Little, don't hide." Yin Shaoji said firmly.

Very light footsteps quietly backed out.

Yin Shaojiu had adapted to the darkness and was familiar with the structure of the room, so he chased out.

He felt a bit wrong.

Not like little.

"Little?" He didn't know when he came to the door.

"Well? Have you finished the shower? Is there anything you want me for?" Mu Xiaoxiao came over and heard him calling himself.

Yin Shaoyi moved her ears and listened to her footsteps.

He looked a little serious, "You come first."

Mu Xiaoxiao looked strange, but obediently followed.

The door closed.

Then, she was nicheed on the wall, and Yin Shao's handsome face leaned over.

"What are you doing? Think again ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao was shy, thinking he wanted to do bad things.

However, Yin Shaoxian's face paused, stopping two centimeters from her neck, and his nose sniffed.

"You just in the kitchen?"

Can smell some soot.

Mu Xiaoxiao nodded, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

It felt strange to him.

Yin Shao frowned and said, "Someone just entered my room, sneakily, I'm taking a shower ..."

Mu Xiaoxiao's face suddenly turned green and cursed, "It's Shen Chuchu! She just ran upstairs just after I was tidy up by me. She actually ran into your room to peep at you to take a bath! Damn it! I want to kill her!"

How dare to peek into her man's body.

This is Chu Chuchu, don't want to live tomorrow!

Mu Xiaoqi was blown up, turned around and wanted to find Shen Chuchu's accounts, and thought fiercely, how to dig out Shen Chuchu's eyes, how to wash off her memory, and let her forget to see Yin Shaoxu's body.

Yin Shaoji heard her anger, reached out and groped to grab her.

"No, when she sneaked in, I had taken a shower, and I was almost ready to wear my clothes."

"It's almost ready, but it's not ready yet!" Mu Xiaoxiao grabbed the loophole.

Yin Shaojie grabbed her shoulder and pulled it in front of herself. "Okay, don't be angry, I quickly put on my coat as soon as I heard the door open, she couldn't see much."

Mu Xiaoxiao was more and more angry, but this time he was angry.

"What did Shen Chuchu sneak into your room to do? Absolutely nothing good!"

She had just rectified Shen Chuchu, and Shen Chuchu's look at her eyes was not good.

So Shen Chuchu is trying to get revenge on Yin Shaojie?

Yin Shaojie did not take Shen Chuchu in his eyes.

Now Shen Chuchu is just a mouse that Mu Xiaoxiao plays with.

He said, "Only by her, nothing can happen."

Mu Xiaoxiao said with a humming, "I thought about letting her go once or twice, and it seems that it is too cheap for her once or twice, so I can't just let it go!"

The man who dares to touch her is to die!

Mu Xiaoxiao's small head melon has been turning madly, thinking of the most vicious means of whole person.

"No, I'll search to see if there is any way to kill her."

Shen Chuchu, this time you completely made me angry!

Mu Xiaoxiao's eyes were angry, she took out her cell phone, and started searching on the Internet.

Yin Shaojie did not intend to persuade her.

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