Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2093: I want to fill you up (4)

But Bai Meijiao went to Shen Chuchu's side and whispered with concern, "Early? What happened to you?"

The nurse didn't tell her at all what happened to Shen Chuchu.

So Bai Meijiao guessed that Shen Chuchu might be uncomfortable, having a cold or having a fever.

But is the fever like this?

At that moment, Shen Chuchu slowly turned his head to look at her.

Bai Meijiao found her face terrible and scary.

"Chu, Chuchu? Where are you uncomfortable?"

Bai Meijiao didn't realize that her voice was shaking.

What happened to Shen Chuchu?

Looking so scary.

Her appearance reminded Bai Meijiao of the zombie movies that she had seen before, and those people were like this before.

Bai Meijiao stepped back instinctively.

Shen Chuchu's lips shook, his eyes widened suddenly, and his eyes were covered with bloodshot blood.

She suddenly stood up, stretched her hands, and hurriedly pounced on Bai Meijiao.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, I want to kill you!"

Her voice was very hoarse, and you can imagine how long she was screaming in the morgue.

Bai Meijiao took a sigh of relief, subconsciously stepped back, but stumbled on her own.

Shen Chuchu took the opportunity to rush forward, holding her hands tightly around Bai Meijiao's neck, and her mouth kept repeating.

"Mu Xiaoxiao, I want to kill you, I want to kill you!"

Bai Meijiao was choked by her breathlessly, "Chu, Chuchu ... It was me, I was not Mu Xiaoxiao ... I was Meijiao ... Chuchu ..."

Fortunately, the medical staff rushed over quickly, and it took a while to open Shen Chuchu's hand.

Within a few minutes, Bai Meijiao's neck was scratched with red marks.

"Are you okay?" The nurse asked Bai Meijiao.

Bai Meijiao breathed like a fish out of water.

She was pale in shock.

Shen Chuchu used almost all her strength to strangle her. At that moment, she really had a fear of dying.

Shen Chuchu was still crazy, and was stung by several people.

The nurse said to Bai Meijiao, "As soon as anyone approached her, she caught someone and bit someone, so no one dared to approach."

Bai Meijiao looked pale and looked at the nurse stupidly, exclaiming, "Then you call me?"

The nurse was a little awkward. "That ... thought you were her family or friend ..."

Bai Meijiao shook her head vigorously. "I'm just an ordinary friend with her!"

What kind of mold did she have? !!

Aside, Shen Chuchu was sedated and calmed down a bit.

The nurse looked at her and said to Bai Meijiao, "Otherwise, please contact her family. She has a mental problem now."

Bai Meijiao then asked, "What happened to her?"

"She didn't know why. She was locked up in the morgue. When our colleague found her, she was like this. She should have been frightened."

The nurse also sympathized with Shen Chuchu, who had just died in a car accident, and heard that the people who carried the body had vomited.

After listening to Bai Meijiao, she didn't speak for a long time.

The nurse smiled bitterly. "No one would go to the negative one and didn't know how she ran. We watched the surveillance video and she went down by herself."

Bai Meijiao remembered that Shen Chuchu had just yelled to kill Mu Xiaoxiao, was it related to Mu Xiaoxiao?

"She just shouted a name all the time. Could it be this person who locked her in?"

The nurse hesitated and said, "This ... she also shouted before, asking us to call the police and catch the little girl named Mu Xiao."

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