Endless Pampering Only For You

Chapter 2095: Want to sue Mu Xiaoxiao (2)

She seemed to be thinking about the scene where Mu Xiaoxiao was caught, with a weird smile on the corner of her mouth.

Bai Meijiao saw that she was persuaded by herself and encouraged even more actively, "She hurt you like this, of course, she must call the police and let the law bring her to justice!"

"Well, I must call the police!" Shen Chuchu nodded.

Bai Meijiao continued, "And this is the United States, not domestic, even if she has money, the law here is fair. As long as she has done this, she can't escape the legal sanctions."


Bai Meijiao asked her, "In the beginning, do you remember what happened? Is there any evidence?"

Mentioning this, Shen Chuchu paused.

Witnesses ...

The nurse bought her. What should I do if she gives it up?

She pretended to be stupid and shook her head. "Without witnesses, there is only me and Mu Xiaoxiao."

Bai Meijiao asked doubtfully, "The nurse said that most people would not go to the negative floor, so how did you think of going there? Did Mu Xiaoli lie to you?"

Shen Chuchu's complexion changed slightly.

She lied to Mu Xiaoxiao ...

Bai Meijiao said, "Don't be afraid, think carefully. She was there to coax you, maybe someone else saw you with her and could testify to you. You must have evidence to sue her."

Shen Chuchu was silent.

Outside the attending physician's office, she did speak with Mu Xiaoxiao.

But at that time, Mu Xiaoxiao ignored her at all, she was talking to Mu Xiaoxiao.

So even if someone saw her talking to Mu Xiaoxiao, it was probably not proof that Mu Xiaoxiao was lying to her.

Moreover, Mu Xiaoxiao did not lie to her.

How can this be evidenced?

Shen Chuchu clenched his head irritably, was there no way to testify?

Obviously Mu Xiaoxiao locked her in the morgue!

This is a fact!

Bai Meijiao thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, let's call the police first, the evidence will be found by the police. As long as Mu Xiaoxiao really put you in, the police will surely find evidence. So many people in the hospital monitor so much She can't escape the camera. "

Shen Chuchu was right after thinking about it, and agreed, "OK, call the police first!"

Although she was also a little worried, would it be discovered that she wanted to displease the little one first.

But then I thought, she did not harm, then there is no sin.

Mu Xiaoxiao scared her so terribly, she didn't want to let it go.

She must make Mu Xiaoxiao feel bad!

Bai Meijiao had long forgotten to persuade her not to provoke the little things.

Now, just thinking that Mu Xiaoxiao will be arrested, even if just arrested by the police and brought to the police station for interrogation for a long time, it is enough for Mu Xiaoxiao to feel good.

Bai Meijiao asked Shen's mental state at the beginning and confirmed that she was normal before calling the nurse and doctor to come in.

She said, "My friend said to call the police."

The doctor examined Shen Chuchu and confirmed that her spirit was normal.

Just asked, "Are you sure you want to call the police?"

Shen Chuchu nodded, "I'm sure, I want to call the police! It's Mu Xiaoxiao who locked me in! You must catch her and put her to jail!"

The doctor said, "Sorry, it's not our hospital's duty to arrest someone, but we can help you call the police."

So he called the police.

After waiting for half an hour, the police came over and made a statement to Shen Chuchu.

Fortunately, Shen Chuchu had long thought about his speech.

Of course, it cannot be said that he first wanted to admire the little one, but then he was counterattacked.

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